Bridging Hearts and Homes: Inside the Inspiring World of Ronald McDonald House
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This is a k u and v studios original program. You're listening to special programming sponsored by the cars marketing Chamber of Commerce. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents, the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:30
People live in the whole world addicted to the drama Hello, everyone and welcome to the business of giving podcast. My name is Guy Dawson and I am the founder and executive director of the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce. And the cause marketing chamber is a nonprofit organization that brings businesses and nonprofit organizations together to create synergistic relationships that benefit both sectors and the community. With the business of giving podcast we do just that we highlight the successes of for profit and nonprofit businesses and we really enjoy being a resource to bring these two pillars of the community together. If you'd like to learn more about what we do at the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce, cause marketing This valuable show is made possible through the generosity of our series sponsor Seoul up an energy solution and conservation company specializing in solar and battery storage systems, including solar panels to learn more about them, Seoul I had a lot of fun over the weekend. And part of the fun that I had was an experience that I have been engaging in over the last couple of years. On the show. I know I've at least once or twice I've talked about the fact that I am a member of Lions Club. Lions Club is the largest service organization in the world. And I am a member of a club here in Las Vegas, called Las Vegas hosts Lions Club that has been around since 1938. And it's just a it's just a wonderful organization that gives back to the community. There's more than 2 million members of lions around the world. And we do all different types of fundraisers give back events. And we did one in particular over the weekend that I've enjoyed. This is the third time that I've actually done it. We did a campaign with Ronald McDonald House in Smith's. And it really fits in so much with what we talk about on the show on a regular basis, which is the synergy that the business community and the nonprofit community can generate through these types of campaigns. So we brought literally brought three organizations together to benefit the community. Over the weekend, we brought the nonprofit organization, Ronald McDonald House, which we're going to talk more about some of the wonderful things that they do to contribute to people's lives on this show today. Lions Club, which is an organization that helps lots of people, and I highly encourage people to learn more about what we do at lions, you can always get in contact with me at info at cause marketing If you want to learn more about what Lyons does. And then of course, the grocery store, Smith was involved as well, because it was a campaign where we got food for people who stay at Ronald McDonald House. And I mean, I have enjoyed, as I mentioned before the opportunity to serve in this way. When I first did this a couple of years ago, at the SMIS at Durango and a Sahara, I've actually done all three of the give back events at that particular SMIS. But it gave me a renewed faith in the population and people of Las Vegas how generous people were in giving to Ronald McDonald House. I know a lot of people are pretty familiar with Ronald McDonald House. It's one of the larger nonprofit organizations out there that's been around a long time and gets a lot of publicity. But to see the generosity of the Las Vegas community, I mean, people literally would come back we would ask for specific items with this flyer that we would hand out to benefit people who would be staying at Ronald McDonald House, people would go into the store, they would come back with all types of items and put them into a grocery basket. And then we ended up taking those items over to Ronald McDonald House. But there were people who literally push for carts of groceries, we would give them a list of a few things and they would come back and they'd have a grocery basket full of things to give to their fellow man. And it was a really a heartwarming experience. And that's why I've wanted to continue to do it. As I mentioned, I've done it three times. And this particular experience prompted me to want to bring Ronald McDonald House on to the business of giving podcast because they definitely deserve a lot of shine. They give a lot to many people and, and I'm just really excited to be speaking with Julia coPI. She is the marketing representative for Ronald McDonald. House, Las Vegas. Welcome to the business of giving podcast, Julia.
Unknown Speaker 5:29
Thank you. Thanks for having me.
Unknown Speaker 5:31
And so as I had mentioned before, how about maybe we start here? I'm just assuming that everyone out there knows what Ronald McDonald House does, because it is a very popular nonprofit organization, maybe you could share with the audience Exactly. The service that Ronald McDonald House provides? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 5:51
well, I'll tell you, the Ronald McDonald House in Las Vegas is truly such a special place. We provide a home away from home for families who are traveling to Las Vegas to receive very critical medical treatment for their child. So we provide free housing, meals, transportation to and from the hospital, and everything in between. So these families can focus solely on the recovery of their child.
Unknown Speaker 6:16
And as part of the platform of what we do here, Julia, it's about the relationships between business and nonprofit organization. So of course, the business that actually has established Ronald McDonald House is the McDonald's Corporation. Could you speak more about the partnership? How does it work? Maybe a little bit about the background of how it got established.
Unknown Speaker 6:42
Yes. So McDonald's locally is our forever mission partner. And how we got involved with them was back in the 1970s, there was a man who had a child in the hospital, he was an NFL player. And he could not believe how many families were sleeping in their cars at the hospital sleeping on the hospital floors. And so he thought, you know, we have to do something about this. And so he got together with a McDonald's owner operator. And that's where the first Ronald McDonald House was created in Philly, they just took off from then. And now it's a global organization with a bunch of Ronald McDonald Houses all over the world. And they continue to support us with our events and fundraisers. And it's just been an amazing partnership that we've had with them throughout the years.
Unknown Speaker 7:31
And I guess Ronald McDonald House has done a lot to bring recognition to this dilemma that a lot of families get into Julio where you've got a child who's sick. And you're, of course, you're trying to do everything that you can to improve the health of your your child, which means sometimes you have to go to medical facilities that aren't in the city that you live in. So you're not able to commute back and forth. They're going to other states, sometimes all the way across the country so that they can receive the care that they need in order to live a better life. But there are a lot of financial strains that go with that. Not everyone can afford to say you live in California, and there is a medical specialist in Chicago, who your your child desperately needs to go see maybe to save that child's life. But room board everything, all the costs to be able to do that can be a real challenge for a lot of families. And I guess that's where Ronald McDonald House steps in the McDonald's Corporation. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 8:34
And I'd love to share a quick family story. We have time salutely. So there was a family that came and stayed with us for about eight months last year. And they were refugees from Colombia. And mom was pregnant with twins on their way to Florida. So they were traveling from Colombia to meet some family in Florida. And mom went into premature labor at just 23 weeks, just Jason. And you know, they had nowhere to go, they ended up at sunrise Children's Hospital. And then they came and stayed with us at the Ronald McDonald House. And, you know, to see that we were able to help them rebuild their life here in Las Vegas, even after their baby was discharged was absolutely amazing. Unfortunately, one of the twins, you know, did not make it. But the one that did you know, they become such a big part of our family, we've helped them you know, get a car, we've helped them with their housing, we've helped them just adjust to life in Las Vegas. And, you know, it's been amazing to see and
Unknown Speaker 9:36
that's the bigger picture, isn't it? Julia when you actually can be a part of that type of testimonial? Yeah, we're you know, you had I mean, I'm sure all these families that are coming and staying at Ronald McDonald House, one way or another, you're definitely impacting them, putting them in a in a space that allows them to be able to look after their loved one but when you get a really Powerful testimonial from someone where you know, you just you really had an impact on changing their lives. I guess that that would be what makes the work fulfilling? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 10:10
And there's, you know, another little thing that I don't think most people think about when they think about the Ronald McDonald House, but you know that we have a 12 bedroom house right now. And when it's full, there's 12 families that you know, are going through different different medical diagnosis or situations, but they all have one thing in common and, and that's that their child is in the hospital fighting for their lives. And so, you know, we see around dinnertime when all the families come down to eat dinner. There's just such a community within the Ronald McDonald House with the families where they can find support with each other and in lifelong friendships, and I think that really helps the families get through their situations as well.
Unknown Speaker 10:48
So definitely you provide that residency for the families that are bringing their children to be treated medically. What are some of the other programs that you offer at Ronald McDonald House?
Unknown Speaker 11:00
Yes, so we have a Ronald McDonald family room right on the grounds of the NICU floor at sunrise Children's Hospital. And those are for the families that don't want to step away from their child's bedside whatsoever. So they can just come walk a few steps, grab a bite to eat from the little kitchenette, we have snacks in there. We also have sleep rooms and shower rooms. So you know, families need to come and just shut their eyes for a couple hours. And then you know, go right back to their child's bedside, they can. We also have a Ronald McDonald care Mobio, which is one of my favorite programs. It's a mobile dental unit that we have in partnership with Nevada health centers that children 21 And under can come aboard and receive free dental care, we do everything cleanings, fillings, extractions. And our dental team is absolutely amazing and highly skilled. And
Unknown Speaker 11:49
this is some of the emphasis on the show, Julius, we always like to show the broad amount of services that a lot of nonprofit organizations provide because you of course, again, when everyone thinks of Ronald McDonald House, those that are familiar with it, they only think about that specific the residency aspect. But you being able to come on here and share with the community how there are additional services that a person could take advantage of, through Ronald McDonald Houses, it's really what it's all about for us is pointing them in the right direction to get the services that they need. Yeah, it's amazing. And so you being that person, right, being an employee of Ronald McDonald House and in that environment all the time, how does it feel to be that type of resource, as I had mentioned, that we are as a Chamber of Commerce in this show is for you, how is that? How does that feel to be a resource to better people's lives?
Unknown Speaker 12:51
It feels amazing, there's barely any words to describe it, my brain has always going so you know, I when I'm meeting with the families, or I meet someone at a grocery store, another event that's not even related to the Ronald McDonald House, and we get to talking and, you know, I just love to share, you know, what we do and how they can benefit from it. So, you know, I think everyone at the house feels the same way as well. And it's just been such a blessing for me personally, to be able to do that.
Unknown Speaker 13:20
What inspired you to get into this type of work?
Unknown Speaker 13:23
I've always wanted to do it. I always loved doing it. When I was little. In Student Council, I would always do, you know, volunteering. And any time I could volunteer my time I would. So this is just such a perfect fit for me.
Unknown Speaker 13:38
Where I Yeah, so this is a part of your kind of your DNA is that you are a giveback person, someone who likes to contribute to their community. And now you've gotten yourself in a position that allows you to do this on a regular basis pretty much every day. Yeah, as your career and I
Unknown Speaker 13:56
feel very, you know, privileged in my personal life to, you know, be able to do the things I do and have the things that I I have. So, you know, it feels almost ignorant, not to, you know, want to help people. Right,
Unknown Speaker 14:12
that's service, this service mindset that so many people out there work for nonprofit organizations, I find have this, the strong service oriented mindset and heart. Yeah. And so you're ultimately end up being of great service to your fellow man by doing something like working for Ronald McDonald House. And for those of you who are just tuning in, you're listening to the business of giving podcast at KU in V 91.5, jazz and more and I am speaking with Julia Kopi. She is the marketing representative with Ronald McDonald House Las Vegas sold up and its channel partners are providing complimentary solar to local charities supporting for Hope link transitional housing properties, feeding pets, a volunteer As of America, and opportunity village, their founder sits on the board of Nevada Conservation League. Also wanted to share with you one of the newest members of the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce. It's actually a nonprofit organization. It's called whalers creation. And their mission is raising awareness about the need for foster and adoptive parents and mentors to older youth transitioning out of foster care into independent living. They offer job training, food and housing for older teens and young adults to learn more about wailers creation wailers dash creation dot U S. And as we've been sharing every week, we've got an event that you got to be a part of that we're going to be hosting at the end of the year or near the end of the year. It is the first annual cars and business cruise, and it's going to happen October 19. Through the 26th 2024, we're going to cruise through the Hawaiian Islands as a chamber of commerce with all of our partners, it's going to just be an incredible experience six days and seven nights cruising through the Hawaiian Islands. And we're going to come together we're going to do some give back service work on the island of Maui to help people who are been disenfranchised because of all the fires they had over there in late 2023. We're going to network with one another, we're we're going to of course, enjoy all aspects of Hawaii. For those of you who've ever been there. I mean, every week I talk about it literally being paradise on earth. And we're going to visit all of the islands of Hawaii through this cruise. proceeds by the way from the cabins that people purchase for the cruise will be donated to nonprofit organizations as well. And so we would love for you to come along and be a part of this cruise that we're going to host the first annual cars and business cruise again, October 19, through the 26th of 2024. If you want to learn more about it, cause marketing And as I mentioned before, I'm still here with Julia Kopi with Ronald McDonald House, and I was talking to her when we're on the way over here today about as I've been sharing with all of you about this bonding experience that I've been having with Ronald McDonald House over the last couple of years. And I what you were telling me, Julia is that there's going to be more bonding in town because you guys are working on opening a second facility would you like to share about that? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 17:40
we are opening a second Ronald McDonald House right around the corner from the existing house. And we're about 90% done at this point. So we're so so so excited to get this new house up and running.
Unknown Speaker 17:54
So are you opening the new house? Because you need more room to be able to take on more borders? Is that the reason for it? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 18:01
so there's definitely a greater need for more space for our families. But this new property is really, really special. It's one of a kind, we built it from the ground up. And what's different about this house than our existing one is our existing house, like I mentioned before, has 12 bedrooms and a lot of common spaces like the kitchen, the laundry units and stuff like that. But this new property is actually eight independent patio homes. So it's meant for families with longer stays, and larger families as well, because there's, you know, two bedrooms and each of these units with their own little kitchenette, and, you know, laundry facility. So it's definitely going to be like an actual home away from home.
Unknown Speaker 18:45
So I guess in every city, you've got these different designs, I would imagine, right Giulia different approaches to how to how to create the environment to be able to serve people, as they're being you know, they're together with their loved ones. And so now you've got an the facility over on Sahara is just beautiful. I mean, I had heard about it many times, but it was nice. It's very cozy.
Unknown Speaker 19:08
Yeah. And that's what our mission is. We want it to feel like an actual home when you're away from your home.
Unknown Speaker 19:15
Right? Yeah, I just got that feeling right off the bat, I had to stop by and I got a chance to facilitate this campaign that we just did with SMIS and, and Lions Club, but just that coziness, right off the bat, I could see where that would be an environment that would be conducive to someone wanting to come in and and just feel like you're still at home, even though you're away from home, taking care of making sure that your child is going to be okay. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 19:43
And that's the whole point. You know, and I'm so fortunate that I get to work in in a place like that.
Unknown Speaker 19:51
Right. So you're about 90% Complete with this new facility. And is there a timeline when you think it might be opening?
Unknown Speaker 19:59
Yes. So we plan to do our Grand Opening sometime in June. We don't have an exact date yet. But that's kind of when we're thinking everything will be fully complete. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 20:10
And I was looking through my notes here, and then there's an event that's coming up also that you're involved in running for the House. Would you like to talk about that campaign?
Unknown Speaker 20:21
Yeah, run in for the house. 5k run. And one mile fun walk is my most favorite event throughout the whole entire year. It's held at Floyd Lamb Park. And it's a big, big, big family friendly event. Kids love it. We have, you know, the Avengers out there. We have birdhouse painting out there. So many different things that you know people can do. And it's just a great morning, the weather's always beautiful. And you know, you're supporting families with hospitalized children while you're having so much fun. Right.
Unknown Speaker 20:52
And I'm sure you draw quite a crowd for that. Because I mean, people are interested in in, in all of that, right? Yeah, pretty good turnout and participation in an event like that.
Unknown Speaker 21:03
Yeah. And we have a lot of teams as well. And they'll come in their team T shirts. And it's just such a great morning to have. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 21:11
you know, something I enjoyed Giulia, when I came to drop off. After we had we, by the way, we collected nine baskets, we got the best Lions Club on the planet. And I want to say, but we collected nine baskets full of groceries that were ultimately donated to Ronald McDonald House over the weekend, which is just it just warmed my heart, as I was mentioned before, just to know that the efforts that we were putting in would benefit so many people, but also, again, just the giving spirit of our community and that people really do care about their fellow man, right enough to go and buy some groceries for them or buy something to benefit the lives of someone else. It's just a wonderful to see that.
Unknown Speaker 21:57
Yeah. And thank you so much for spending your Saturday with us, as well,
Unknown Speaker 22:02
yes. And then I got the chance to go back over to the Ronald McDonald House because I had some things I needed to drop off. And there were all these people out in the parking lot. A lot of community engagement. So what what was going on there? Yes, so
Unknown Speaker 22:17
we had volunteers at the stores, which is what you were doing. And then we also had volunteers at the house that we're doing the dating, the sorting the collecting. And you know, it was just so smooth and amazing to see we have the best volunteers in Las Vegas. Yes,
Unknown Speaker 22:35
volunteerism is a big part of the platform of this show, encouraging people to get out there and make a difference. And so is that for Ronald McDonald House, again, with your big name, worldwide recognition, the corporation as well as the nonprofit pretty easy to get people to come and be volunteers?
Unknown Speaker 22:56
Oh, yeah. And they're the heart of our house. We love them. And so I think it makes them really happy to be able to volunteer with us. So
Unknown Speaker 23:04
what kind of feedback do you get from them after they have the experience of coming in and doing volunteerism, they're
Unknown Speaker 23:10
all they love it. And you know, we hear nothing but good things. They tell us that it warms their heart and they love, you know, to do things for the families, sometimes they have interactions with the families as well, since, you know, the place that they're volunteering at actually houses, the people that they're serving. So you know, they absolutely just love it.
Unknown Speaker 23:31
Yeah, and so much of what we talk about on this show, and things that we do with the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce are related to the relationships between professionals, or small business owners and nonprofit organizations and how they can work together. But when I do like to, at times really express how important these large corporations are, in this whole give back process, because part of the abundance that McDonald's is able to create by being a worldwide company is that they can help vast amounts of people by being the foundation of an organization such as Ronald McDonald House.
Unknown Speaker 24:16
Yeah, and a lot of people actually think that McDonald's corporately funds us it's actually the local owner operators, that that do a lot of the funding for us throughout their own personal stores. So you know, we have a great relationship with all of them, you know, we love them, they love to support us and, and it's been awesome to see
Unknown Speaker 24:35
also the individual franchisors are the ones who actually are contributing to the to the maintenance of Ronald McDonald House in a specific city. Yeah, yeah. Wow, way to go. So yes, small business and big business come together because most of the franchise owners are small business owners. Franchising from a large corporation. So there again, there's there's just so many different ways that people I can contribute. I mean, the volunteer is, you know, again, looking out for people with providing housing for them so that they can be there for their loved ones and, and feel comfortable and not have that, that concern of in the economics, as I had talked about earlier that could really affect, I guess, you know, the serenity of a parent. Yeah. Not knowing how they are going to maintain the economic aspect of their lives, but they know they have to look out for their child.
Unknown Speaker 25:36
Yeah. And I hear that all the time, you know, that, that families are just so distraught by what's happening with their child, and that's all they want to focus on. But then, you know, getting a hotel room in Las Vegas now is really expensive. And having food here is really expensive. And to have to worry about all of that on top of worrying about, you know, your child and their well being I could not imagine. So, you know, we just tried to take away as much of the burden of everything else as possible.
Unknown Speaker 26:04
I had a friend that actually a couple of years ago shared with me about an experience she had with was, I think it was her granddaughter, and they had to go to another city. I think it was Indiana, it was Indianapolis, I think in Indiana, for some type of special treatment. And they got to utilize Ronald McDonald House a while we were there. And they just raved about how well they were treated, and how much the staff made them feel comfortable and how it made everything a lot easier in terms of dealing with the health issues that their granddaughter had. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 26:38
and I'm so glad that they were able to be supported by the Ronald McDonald House.
Unknown Speaker 26:44
And well, there again, we talked about additional services that Ronald McDonald House can help people with on this broadcast today. But I'm sure our audience out there would love to learn how they could possibly support Ronald McDonald House on different levels. It could be financially it could be as a volunteer, how can people get in contact with you or Ronald McDonald House to learn how they can help? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 27:09
if you would like to learn about anything else, you can visit our website at WWW dot RMH All
Unknown Speaker 27:19
right. Well, thank you so much, Julia. Kopi is with Ronald McDonald House is a marketing representative. And I just thoroughly enjoyed this interview with you today. And just wish Ronald McDonald House nothing but continued success. And I'm looking forward. It'll be a whole year before I get to do another one of those specific campaigns. But in the meantime, you guys just keep up the great work that you're doing.
Unknown Speaker 27:42
Thank you. And thank you for having me today.
Unknown Speaker 27:44
We always appreciate you for tuning in to the business of giving podcast. Did you know that you can listen to our show on a variety of platforms. We can listen to us on Spotify, Apple podcasts, Amazon music and more to tune in the business of giving transistor dot F M. We also invite you to check out our social media sites and of course, listen to the business of giving podcast every Sunday at 7:30am on K u and v 91.5. FM. The business of giving podcasts was brought to you by soul lips underwriting of our series Hey, I hope you're enjoying the new year we're a couple of months in now. Almost. I love saying Happy new year but I can't say it anymore but I'm gonna say it anyway today I hope you're enjoying the New Year in your life and always want to encourage you to give into business for good take care of yourselves and we'll see you soon
Unknown Speaker 28:57
Unknown Speaker 29:04
the weight of the world on my shoulder as I'm getting older your people guess holder most of us only care about money.
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