Empowering Communities Through Solar: A Conversation with Steve Amelie, CEO of SolUp
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Speaker 2 0:11
You're listening to special programming sponsored by the cars marketing Chamber of Commerce. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents, the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:37
People live in lightning God,
Speaker 1 0:40
the whole world. Hello, everyone. And welcome to the business of giving podcast. My name is Guy Dawson and I am the executive director and founder of the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce. And we are a 501 C six organization that brings businesses and nonprofit organizations together to create synergistic relationships that benefit the community. And for more information about how you can learn more about the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce, we can be reached at cause marketing chamber.com. And this show specifically the business of giving podcasts was created to highlight just as I had mentioned before, the great things that nonprofit organizations and for profit businesses do for one another and the community and I have someone who helps me to connect with all of you as the CO hostess of the business of giving show Hello, Maria Perez, the cars marketing consultant, how are you?
Unknown Speaker 1:38
I'm fine. How are you doing today?
Speaker 1 1:40
I am wonderful. Is there anything that you'd like to share that is going on in the cars community that you think the audience would be interested in?
Speaker 3 1:51
Well, there's all kinds of things going on in our community, I think I think our show today will will be of great interest to our listeners, because we have a wonderful guest today that really exemplifies how you can support your community, and the benefits that accrue from doing so. So I think without further ado, we should we should get started here today. Sounds
Unknown Speaker 2:15
great. Will you introduce our guest for today?
Speaker 3 2:19
Sure, we have with us today, the chief operating officer of a firm called Solak, Steve Amelie, who I had the pleasure of working with on a number of nonprofit outreach initiatives. And he and his partner have been very, very supportive of some of the folks here in town that are that are really doing good work and that provide needed services to our community. And so we're super happy to have him here that tell us a little bit about those initiatives.
Unknown Speaker 2:53
Yeah, welcome to the business of giving show, Steve,
Unknown Speaker 2:56
thank you so much. Absolute pleasure to be here. And the guy and Maria, thank you for, for extending the invitation to me, you just tell me what you'd like to know. And I'm happy to tell you all about our initiatives, what we're doing and, and kind of our plans for the future?
Speaker 3 3:11
Well, first of all, tell us a little bit about your firm, and then that'll sort of you know, this show is about explaining to our listeners, the value of causes and social issues, marketing, and people call cause marketing, all kinds of things. But for me, it's really a win win. Where, where what you do and those you serve all come out with a win. And so I'd really like to hear a little bit about your business. And then I will ask you some specific questions, because I know some of the work that Philip has done in the community. And I think our listeners will really be intrigued by by the work and and the value you bring to our community.
Unknown Speaker 3:51
Sure. Good. Happy to tell you about us. Well, first, we'll start from the beginning. So Company was founded by Frank Rieger, German engineer in 2009. And he came he came from Germany with an objective here when in our sunshine state to provide the highest quality that you possibly could, but also wanted to make certain that he had sustainability and renewable energy in mind. And that merely being a solar company. And his long term objective was to create an organization that in some way could, you know, certainly advanced green initiatives, but but in some way, become branded within the community and integrated. And over the last couple of years, I've joined a joint Frank and became his partner about a year and a half ago. And we really decided that we wanted to take a portion of our proceeds. And I can't say cure all of you know, cure some of the ills but but certainly add support to focusing predominantly on disadvantaged communities, transitional communities, those that really don't have the resources in addition to, for example, were a sustaining member of the Nevada Conservation League, you know, also the organization to support them. proliferation of green and renewable energy, and that allow us to give back to the community as well.
Speaker 3 5:07
Yeah, I think I think that's super important. In this time, you know, we talked about this a lot on the show that it's no longer the halo effect is no longer sufficient. It's necessary, but it certainly is no longer sufficient, you must walk the walk and talk to the COC. Or you will be accused of greenwashing. I mean, there's no question. And so it's really, from my point of view, just wonderful to have you with us to talk about how you're able to do that and weave that into the DNA of your business and how it serves you so well, I, I think I think I remember that you do a little bit of work with the solar game. Do you want to tell us a little bit about that?
Unknown Speaker 5:52
Well, the yeah, there's a myriad of different organization. But you know, I think the one you're discussing, you mean are charitable contributions with regards to to charitable solar. Yeah. Right. So what we've done is we created an enterprise that a portion of all of our proceeds go back to identifying disadvantaged communities or those nonprofits that could benefit from solar. So a few that we've really taken an interest in, and a few that I serve on the Board of so I've been very blessed to be to be allowed to serve on the Board of Hope link. Also, the Nevada Conservation League and an area up in Reno called the Midtown Association, what we're doing here in hope link they have for homes for for transitional homes, for people that have gone through their program from being extremely disadvantaged, to now almost taking the next step to independence. And what we found is there the high cost of the high cost of energy is always an impediment to progress. So we took these four homes in particular, we went out to our partners Why say partners or major channel partners Marburger, which is the premier premier manufacturing provider of heterojunction solar panels, we went with solar edge, which is again, the premier inverter and optimizer company. And we went to them and said, Would you want to join this cause? And, and I will tell you, they were so pleased to see that there were organizations like ours that wanted to give back to the community that they jumped in with both feet. And so they provide, they provide the materials. And we provide the labor, the permitting the engineering. And now we're taking these four homes within the hope link community, I think all four on major street in Henderson, Nevada, and we're in we're fitting those with complimentary solar, and we will be reducing the bill for all of those, those tenants down to just their interconnect fee of $16 a month.
Speaker 3 7:46
Oh, wow, that is amazing. See, that is that just shows you the synergistic the synergies that you can create an affinities and the partnerships, and then you put it into action. And your product is helping these people. It's amazing. And
Speaker 1 8:04
I also liked the perspective that if I could just jump in really quick, Steve was about walking the walk and talking the talk, as Maria had mentioned earlier in the podcast, providing complimentary solar, to local charities that you support is truly showing that you're all about what you're saying you're about, is that something you'd be willing to touch on a bit?
Unknown Speaker 8:28
Absolutely. So I mean, I'll go into kind of my own background. So I used to have, you know, everybody looks for their why in life and my wife or all of my life has always been I want to surround myself with like minded people that want to make a difference, right? That's probably been for, I'd say, 15 years of my life. But three years ago, I woke up and my wife sees this big smile on my face. She goes what I said, you know, I've changed my y. So well, what is it now? And I said, I want to live a life of gratitude. And you know, it really opened my eyes. And when I looked, I said, you know, how can I give back and I and I'll go back a bit real quickly. So my Genesis starting back in Los Angeles back in the 80s, I had a messenger company, and I saw all these food trucks used to come to our couriers and and they and I'd say what do you guys do with your food at the end of the day, that's when we have to throw it away because of you know, because of the time and temperature so long, long story short, I went to the LA mission said would you be willing to take the food went to the LA Department of Health and provided where we could now second source this food, we go everyday to the food trucks take this food and I mean 500 to 1000 pounds of food a day to the LA mission. And all it takes is is thinking outside the box and resources and working and I have found that the government especially in this local community, is so receptive to creating or assisting you in in this type of in the this type of work. For example, in the permitting process and going through hope length, the City of Henderson has been nothing but just absolutely rapid and getting us this information to us, you know getting our permits issued right away. But part of this is we looked and said, How can we take what we believe in, which is helping to preserve our planet? And find some way to give back in every way that we possibly can. I've been a really strong proponent of I don't consider homelessness a problem, I consider it unfortunately a symptom of a greater problem. And how can we how can we dig deeper to solve these issues and solve these problems? So we looked at places like hope link, another one is Volunteers of America, which is up in Reno, they just purchased the hotel 40. We've offered and that's, that's transitional as well, we've offered to supply all the solar. And then then as I dug deeper about the homeless program, I said, Well, what are some of that? What are some of the obstacles that you have for people going through the program, they said, you know, many who either can't bring their pets, or they have issues with being able to feed their veterinary care. Right. So we aligned with another charity. I don't know if you're familiar with feeding pets with the homeless? No, I don't think they
Speaker 3 10:58
sound fantastic. They sound fantastic. I mean, I mean, you're bringing tears to my eyes, because, you know, these social issues are endemic. And, and you're, you're not, you really are providing something so important. I'm just intrigued keep talking.
Unknown Speaker 11:18
Great stuff. So I was introduced to feeding pets with the homeless at at A, we sponsored, what are the year end events for Volunteers of America. And just touch on that real quickly another great organization, and they provide a myriad of different levels of transitional housing, right? It's not just, it's either someone who absolutely doesn't even have a cell phone, right, we heard some of the came in that they borrow somebody's cell phone, so they could call their son to let them know, they were on the streets. And then he gave a speech at the end about how he is now working for I think he's working for one of the energy companies, another one that just completed their doctorate, right, who started this program. And so we're inspired. And then we were introduced to feeding pets of the homeless, they're headquartered in Carson City. Genevieve is their director, but they provide they provide resources throughout the United States. And they provide not only veterinary care, they provide food for the animals, and they do their vetting to make certain that but what they try to do is keep these animals intact with their, you know, with with their, with their owner, and then VOA in some of their facilities allows the pets to stay with them. And to me, I said, Well, what a great union. I'm an absolute animal advocate. And I could that's another another passion that that I can talk about in great in great detail. But we're trying to find some way. Again, how do we how do we assist in this homeless, you know, issue? And the first part of it is how do we support those that are that are trying to to help on the issue, right. And so housing is really the big and the main component. So we went over the two feeding pets of the homeless in Carson. And we are also supplying all of their solar for their facility. So that that frees up additional resources and capital for them to spend on on the on the pets as well. But that's another great organization.
Speaker 3 13:08
Yeah, it's really interesting that you bring up the idea of supplying solar and deferring some costs. That's, that's really exempt exemplary corporate partnering, right. It's beyond philanthropy. It's yeah, it's really, it's really telling that you've been able to use your firm to give foods pet, keep pets with their families, or their people and provide, you know, power. It's, it really is. It really is outside the box thinking I commend you. Yeah, that really?
Speaker 1 13:48
Yeah, I agree. Maria, that is a massive give back. When you consider the impact of doing that all of the pets and that I mean, some we cover a lot of content on this show, but boy, some of the impacts. As you were mentioning before, Maria, it makes you kind of choke up right to see that a company is so committed to contributing to their community is just so much about what this whole cause marketing world is about. And I just want to take a quick second to remind everyone that you're listening to the business of giving podcast sponsored by the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce, and I wanted to make an announcement really quickly. We are speaking with Stephen Amelie, he is the CEO of soul up and a great organization that we've been learning more about, but I wanted to make a quick announcement about an event that we have coming up on the 14th of September. It is called businesses with heart and it is an event that we have been hosting since 2015. It is an expo style event that benefits a nonprofit organization. It is the basis of what we use to establish To the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce, and we are super, super excited to be presenting this event on September the 14th, from 4pm to 8pm. At this space, again, it's a great opportunity for you to learn more about cause marketing connect with a lot of great people in the community, local business will also be promoted. We're going to have fantastic speakers there. And as usual, we have a featured nonprofit organization. And this year it is going to be an organization called room Redux. And they're a nonprofit organization that helps abuse children by going into the bedrooms of abused children. As we all know, when children are abused in their bedrooms, there's a certain connection to the abuse, sometimes that can be very traumatizing for them. Room Readex goes in and remodels these bedrooms. It's just phenomenal what they do to help children through these remodels. So proceeds from this event will benefit room Redux. So again, business with heart is our big event. We are also looking forward to having all of you come and be a part of this event. And for more information about it, we can be reached at cause marketing chamber.com. That's the website, you can go on and learn more about this event. And Maria, you outdid yourself with this fantastic guests that we have. Do you want to reintroduce him because boy as he shared some excellent information. Today,
Speaker 3 16:27
I'm happy to reintroduce Steve Amelia, CEO of sola that is really has really embarked on an initiative that's truly holistic in the sense that not only does it support something that's endemic, and you know, a societal issue that's endemic and a problem everywhere all over the world. But it's really serving those people and providing solutions. Do you want to talk a little bit more about the Nevada Conservation League seat for us and your work there?
Unknown Speaker 17:02
Oh, absolutely. So that was one of our that's truly a passion project in Nevada Conservation League is? Well, let me give you another example. So anyone that purchases a solar system from us, we give a point x, we get $50 per system that we sell to the Nevada Conservation League. They are they are deeply entrenched in creating policy for sustainability and renewable energy. But it goes beyond that. So they've created if you are you familiar with these? What are we gonna call them the wildlife overpasses? Have you seen those where sometimes you'll have migratory animals. And what they found is a tremendous amount of them were getting on the freeway. Right? So they were they're very strong proponents of that. And then and work very closely with our legislature. I do want to have a shout out for someone that I did I met with yesterday who's also very passionate about giving back to the community and creating some of these awarenesses of both renewable energy and has really a champion for the underprivileged is a Assemblyman Howard walked in, Senator Fabian did not then your take, I work with both of them. And they're inspirational in their in their desire to want to engage with us in in helping promote, and one of the conversations I had with Assemblyman watch yesterday, is a way to try to leverage federal funds in providing some subsidies for the disadvantaged community to try to get them in solar. And I just want to say that because I think they're really two very, very, very influential leaders that really have a heart in Nevada Conservation League. Again, I cannot say more. I sit on their board and I'm absolutely proud to be part of it. They they are so multi dimensional with regards to their focus their focus, not just again on green remote, renewable energy, but on animal aspects preservation of our Parklands and really a focus on disadvantaged communities.
Speaker 3 18:58
That's fantastic. Yeah, I have seen some of those overpasses, I think there's been a lot of it's been mentioned in the press recently. And as we encroach on lands, this is bound to happen. So it's wonderful to see that there's some proactive and, you know, proactive action to fix it versus reactive. So that's fantastic. And what about your work with opportunity village? I'm sorry, did you have
Unknown Speaker 19:29
Oh, sure. So opportunity village. We get involved with them, you know, pretty much twice a year we were during the their Halloween they so they have two really fantastic events in in Halloween. We get involved in in a fundraiser through it. Same thing that we do for Nevada conservation Lake, we provide a pro a certain amount of proceeds per per sale, but where we really get involved is in their Christmas program. And we launch a very strong initiative. I think we last year I think it was either 150 to $200 per system that we installed, we give back to opportunity village. And anyone who hasn't taken the tour there, it's one of the most heartwarming tours you can take. And it really shows and emphasizes how when or when a when an organization gets involved and wants to make a difference. And and if you've been there, but they but they take these communities, they have one area that I'm going to call it their enterprise area, where they have they were they've created a work environment and just something in I'm sorry, if I'm telling you something you already know. But to me, it was so amazing, that the the the casinos are involved, so they take all the pool towels at the end of the summer, they send them to opportunity village, and the in the you know those that are in the opportunity village within these programs, they recut these towels, they they're taught how to cut them and thread them and turn them into bar towels. And then they're sold back to the to the casinos. Right. And then also talks in some of the other they'll do the cabling, they start in there stuffing the boxes, anything that's, you know, this type of repetitive work, but to see the inspiration and the end to take it, you know, again, a community that some sometimes I want to say invisible and ignored is given such a wonderful showcase. And it's really it's really, when we went in took this took this tour, Frank and I look back we said there's something we really have to get involved in. Another one that we're very involved in is miracle flights. And now we were their lead sponsor last year in in their in their lettering campaign. So they have their words, right wisdom, love and peace out if you've saw that over at Summerlin last year. But we were their lead sponsor. And so miracle flights provides transportation to chronically ill people that don't have the wherewithal or facility to make these connections. Right and many of them have to go for treatment in you know, out of state, whether it be Arizona or Missouri, etc. And so they provide to pick up from their home the transportation, the air transportation to pick up on the other end, sometimes a docent to to accompany them. But another wonderful organization that we've aligned with that we're very proud to partner in continually looking at when you've just brought up this one that you know the room redo. It's, we want to be you know, what, we also want to be approached by anyone out there and you know, some people feel as they're infringing, I get calls all the time, and we certainly can't, you know, can't get involved in every organization. But we'd like to, to the extent that we can, you know, make a difference. So the one you just told me here room, you're talking about bringing tears to your eyes when I was talking about some of the other ones this one, I can just vision it. I had a charity and I was in back in Savannah, Georgia. And we had these firefighters and in these chilled these girls didn't have fathers. Right. So we put together they didn't know what the call was they call it the Firemen's ball. And you remember that remember the remember that movie called Princess Diaries? Yes. What right there was a tear jerker for me. So what I did I said why don't we create this we'll have the firemen or the or the, you know, policemen firemen. They will accompany it will get ballgowns for the girls, but then we give them a diary to die. We call it the princess diary, event. And it was so things like that. So when you brought this room redo and these were also abused, you know, abuse young ladies and children. And so when I heard about something like this, this is something that really tears my heartstrings.
Speaker 1 23:33
So I have a question for you, Steve. There are a lot of businesses out there who are trying to embrace these cause marketing principles. And obviously your company, the culture. I mean, you guys are all in on this. Do you have any advice for a company out there that just wanted to get started, they're probably not going to be engaged the way that you guys are, because you've been doing it for a while and you really understand the principles. But if you could give some advice to a company about how to start engaging with their communities who caused marketing, what would that advice be?
Unknown Speaker 24:09
I'd say to make it part of your mission statement and part of your corporate culture. And it has to show from the top. Everyone here knows that they're there this, this is our objective. Another thing that we do and this is something I'd encourage all companies to do you writing a check is one thing showing up as another. So we we all of our employees are given are paid up to 10 hours per month for community service, even if it's even if it's overtime, they'll get their standard rate if they're if they're a salaried employee, we'll break that down hourly. And if it results in overtime, we'll pay the overtime. But we want our employees to get out in the community make a difference. So we don't choose what that we don't choose what that charity is. They can be involved in any charity they want. So part of it is recognizing that a portion of what you do and what you receive should go back to the community and it also it also One that encourages your employees to be to be or your I should say, or partners to be involved. And then they're compensated for it as well. But make it part of your mission statement. And I go into many businesses, and I see all these great ideas and pragmatic philosophies about business. But none of that says, to make a difference to give back in your community. And I think when you're when that resonates with your team members, when they see that leadership is involved in in their community and giving back,
Speaker 1 25:27
you're really just getting out there and doing it. Right, right, Maria?
Speaker 3 25:32
Yeah, and people, it really also speaks to employee retention, because people want to work for a company that walks the walk and talks to talk and it's not disingenuous, it's genuine. And how proud are you to work for a company where the leadership even pays you for your volunteers? And that's, that's really, to be commended.
Speaker 1 25:51
Yeah, some good business karma going on there. And that's one of the things when, when I talk to people about the principles of cause marketing is never underestimate the value of good business karma. And as you had mentioned, Maria, taking care of your employees in that way. It's not it's going to bring nothing but good things to your business. I've seen it, I've experienced it. No wonder you guys.
Speaker 3 26:18
You know, you hear me talk about it all the time, all things being equal. If you're if you can be a patron of a service, or a profession, or a business that does good and give back, all things being equal, you're gonna go with that firm over the competitor.
Speaker 1 26:33
Maria, do you have any final question for Steve Amelie?
Speaker 3 26:40
Um, I would like to just, I don't have a question, I just want to acknowledge that the work that you and Frank do is truly wonderful. And I hope some of our listeners, embrace what you've discussed and, and jump in with both feet as well.
Unknown Speaker 27:00
So fantastic. And you know, I'd like to in in, in telling all of our, you know, business community leaders that it's such a fulfill, there's, there's no better feeling than attending one of these events, and seeing the results, where you've made a difference. And most importantly, to everyone out there. There's no such thing as too small of a donation. I think that's where people get caught up. They think, you know, my five or $10 isn't going to make an impact. But 1000 of you sending in those five and $10 will have a significant impact.
Speaker 1 27:34
Absolutely. Steve Amelie is with Seoul up a company that is providing clean energy as well as a lot of service to the community. Again, thank you so much for being a part of the show today, Steve.
Unknown Speaker 27:47
It's an absolute pleasure. Thank you for the invitation.
Speaker 1 27:48
And also my co hostess with the mostest I know that's a really corny statement. I say every week about you, Maria, but you definitely are. How can you be reached for more information? Well,
Speaker 3 28:00
if you want to discuss cause marketing strategy with me, cause coach Maria I can be reached at cause marketing consultants.com. And I'm happy to chat with anybody about creating initiatives and outreach, like the ones that Steve has been talking about, because that's my passion. I live, eat and breathe that and happy to help anybody that would like to support our community further. Maria
Speaker 1 28:23
is a powerful practitioner of the principles of cause marketing. Thank you so much for being a wonderful co host as usual.
Unknown Speaker 28:33
Thank you for being my co host.
Speaker 1 28:36
Yeah, we appreciate all of you gratitudes a big part of the show and the platform and so we appreciate all of you for tuning into the business of giving podcast. For more information about the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce, we can be reached at cause marketing chamber.com as well as on our social media sites, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and our YouTube page for the business of giving. So for all of you out there, we always like to leave you with this positive message, give and do business for good. We will see you next week.
Unknown Speaker 29:21
Unknown Speaker 29:29
the weight of the world on my shoulder as I'm getting older your people get sold. Most of us only care about money.
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