Miracle Flights: Soaring for a Purpose
Download MP3Speaker 1 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NV studios on public radio K, u and v 91.5. You're listening to special programming sponsored by the cars marketing Chamber of Commerce. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents, the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Speaker 1 0:37
People live in the whole world. Hello, everyone. And welcome to the business of giving podcast. My name is Guy Dawson and I am the founder and executive director of the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce. And we created this show to highlight cause marketing and the impact that it has on our community. The cause marketing Chamber of Commerce brings nonprofit and for profit businesses together to create synergistic relationships that benefit each sector. And I would invite you all to visit our website for more information about how to become a member of our chamber, we can be reached at cars marketing chamber.com. Also, this valuable show is made possible through the generosity of our series sponsors sold up an energy solution and conservation company specializing in solar battery storage systems, including solar panels, or to learn more. They can be reached at Seoul up.com. And of course I am here with my co hostess she is the cause marketing consultant Maria Perez. How are you, Maria?
Unknown Speaker 1:49
Good. How are you today? Guy?
Speaker 1 1:51
Good, good. We had a big event last night that was just so exciting. And it was great to get all of these great entrepreneurs and people in the community together to celebrate room Redux. It's a nonprofit, we had our pre event mixer for our mixer that is coming up very soon. And so I am getting more and more excited about September the 14th when we host our next event, but yeah, things are going great in the cause marketing chamber world. Excellent. And you have invited someone on who represent an organization that I have just heard nothing but wonderful things about you've been talking about her for months. Maria, I absolutely have to let you make this introduction of our guest today.
Speaker 2 2:37
Okay, well, I'm very happy that my colleague and who I've worked with for five and a half years, almost six years now Kathy roller has joined us. She is the director of special events. Amongst other things, she wears quite a few hats at Miracle flight, which is a national charity based here in Las Vegas. And Kathy is going to tell us a little bit about vertical flights important mission. And what they do nationwide, actually, actually worldwide. But but their focus is here in North America, who they serve. And then a little bit about the community partners that they have here in town, and the outreach efforts and initiatives here in Las Vegas. Kathy, thank you so much for coming on the show today.
Speaker 3 3:24
How are you both for having me, I appreciate it. I'm great.
Unknown Speaker 3:28
Pleasure to meet you.
Speaker 3 3:30
Thank you. Alright, so let me tell you about miracle flights. And so for everyone that hasn't heard of us. We are a national charity. And we're based right here in Las Vegas. It started in 1985. And we're a charity that provides free commercial airfare to families that have to travel out of state that can't find the medical treatment in their local communities. And because we're a national charity, someone could live in Las Vegas and have to fly to Boston and we buy their families commercial airline tickets, but they could also live in Boston and need to fly to LA and we book about seven to 800 flights every single month for any disease so probably a lot of our flights are for cancer patients or heart surgeries. brain surgeries we're just we're just a little hidden gem in our off our only offices right here in Las Vegas.
Speaker 2 4:30
Yeah, and it's it's interesting because the flights have I worked alongside Kathy for many years. And I think what's super important about this nonprofit is once once they have embraced your family member, you are taken care of for life. It's not a one and done. Because the treatment isn't one and done. Yeah.
Speaker 3 4:49
Yeah. Yeah, for many of our patients, you know, it could be chemo and hope you know, hopefully they do do so many treatments and they're finishing During were in remission. But a lot of our families, these kiddos have a some disease or syndrome, that's a lifelong ailment that needs to be treated throughout their years. And we once you're in our family, once we fly you one time, we fly you for your entire treatment process, we have actually a little local girl, Amanda that started flying with us at six weeks old, and she's in her early 20s Now, and we still fly her. So it's nice to see your children grow and flourish and thrive because they reached the medical care that they needed to.
Speaker 2 5:38
Yeah, well. And I think that for our listeners, it's very important to note that you can have the doctor is going to fix the child and you can have the medical insurance. But if you can't get there, because it's $800 Each time, right? It doesn't matter. So that's what miracle flat, it's my miracle fights. Mission is so valuable, because that's a lot of money to have to come up with. It absolutely
Speaker 3 6:08
is. And I have my own personal story, why I work here, our youngest son was born here in Las Vegas. And we actually have amazing, amazing pediatric cardiologist. But his heart was so complex, that we had to go up to Stanford for our surgeries. And until you're thrust into the world of a special needs child, and all of the bills and co pays that accompany that, you really have no idea what the costs are. And so to have one little glimpse of hope that yes, you can get the right doctor, and someone can help you a little bit financially with that. It means the world to a lot of these families. Yeah,
Speaker 1 6:50
just the stress. I would imagine Kathy, that people, you're experiencing health problems. And so there's a lot of stress that's associated with that. But then the cost to be able to, to get your loved one to receive the care that they need is seems like a big stress that your organization helps to relieve.
Speaker 2 7:14
Absolutely. And I also want to I want I want to mention that it's not just kiddos because I believe, if I'm not mistaken, Miracle fighters expanded their mission to serve veterans. Deliver service animals, as well, correct?
Speaker 3 7:31
Yes, so a service dog program is one of our our just sweet little programs. We fly people to receive their service dogs. But if some of these families are too sick to even fly to receive their service dog, we cannot we also fly trainers out with the dogs to deliver to the families. And that's dogs for seizures, diabetes, they can be companion dogs for PTSD patients. So that's a really growing program that we have as well.
Speaker 1 8:05
Yeah, what a wonderful opportunity to contribute to your community by donating or being a part of this organization. And when I said loved ones, I guess we could include service dogs, as well as be derived because loved ones. People's animals are certainly loved ones and extremely important to them.
Unknown Speaker 8:28
They are they 100% are.
Speaker 2 8:33
So Kathy, tell us a little bit about what kind of work you're doing here in the community, some of your activations to spread the word here, so that folks in Las Vegas, Nevada can become aware that that miracle place exists.
Speaker 3 8:52
Okay, so I was just working on our calendar for the year we are managing just here locally over 50 events every year. And the majority of those are community events. So we have other nonprofits, we support their events, we're at the Candlelighters run every year, we just went to the heart Foundation's run. We support other charities and their events by we have a an ambulance, that's just the wrapped ambulance for the kids to explore. But we bring out a whole little pop up party for these events. But we're supporting the other charities in Las Vegas because a lot of our families were serving the same families were serving cancer families were serving families that had to fly in to stay at Ronald McDonald House serving the heart families. And so being a nonprofit partner is amazing. That reciprocity is the great and then we have other community events. Metro puts on a lot of events, the city of Las Vegas, the City of Henderson city of North Las Vegas, put on events and so being at all their events and supporting what they're doing in the communities and the zip codes and areas that they see need some joy in their areas and, and need to celebrate different things. I mean, it's over 50 events every year. And we're and we're so lucky because it's, it's just fun. It's fun for everyone that attends and it's fun for us to be able to attend.
Speaker 2 10:24
I do I do want to I'm sorry, I didn't mean to step on, you know, I do want to I do want you to talk about your two signature events, because I want everyone listening to hear how creative this gal is, and how amazing these two events to talk to patrons and donors and help them you know, that's a different group of people to they're talking to. Kathy put on two events miracle flights. One is called lights for flight in in the fall, I mean, excuse me in the holiday season, and the other is called story. And they are absolutely amazing. So tell us a little bit about those two.
Speaker 3 11:04
Thank you. So lights for flights. It's a two month interactive kind of art installation at Downtown Summerlin and this is our third year. We have seven this year seven words. They're larger than life. They're seven marquee words. And their words specifically chosen because they represent our mission. It's love, hope, peace, Miracle joy. It's all the things that embody our mission, but are also words that you would associate with the holiday season. And this is just an opportunity for us to have awareness during the two months at a one of the busiest shopping centers in the valley. But also give families an opportunity to go visit something, take family pictures, and just bringing happiness to our Valley, this started as an idea. As soon as COVID restrictions lifted. And we were we weren't quite sure if people could have endorsements yet. And so this is how we came up with this idea. And it's just continued to grow. And we add more words, and we add more activations. And it's a way for people to be aware that our brand exists here and what our programming does, but also a way to donate. And there's support. So tickets are core support, right? Because it's it's also a bit of brand advertising for the companies that do support us because we're in such a high traffic area for two months. Yeah, I feel like that area sees, you know, three to 4 million people over that two month span. And so that's a lot of eyeballs on your brand.
Speaker 2 12:50
And by the way, guys soul up and our friends at multipeer. Our sponsors is that event.
Speaker 1 12:57
Right? Yeah, that could the engagement opportunities for something like that Kathy is just just so significant that time of year. And one thing that you had talked about a second ago was your partnership with Ronald McDonald House. So I had the opportunity. I've had the opportunity several times, I'm a member of Lions Club. And we've done events with Smith's partnerships between SMIS and Ronald McDonald House and Lions Club. And I am such a huge supporter of the things that Ronald McDonald House does. So I can see that how that would be such a natural partnership when I was listening to the things that you were talking about, it just all made so much sense these great community partnerships that you're able to develop that allow you to serve more. Oh,
Speaker 3 13:42
100%. We've had to stay at a Ronald McDonald House before but yes, when you think about the Ronald McDonald Houses across the nation, all those families had to travel, that's why they're staying at that house. And so we get a lot of referrals from Marvel mcdonald house, when once they know a family is there and they needed help find the next time they come. They're great referral source as well. So it's nice when charities can help each other and and because at the end of the day, it's for the families that we're all serving.
Speaker 2 14:16
Yeah. One other events that Kathy does that is Yeah, absolutely ingenious. So tell us about your A.
Speaker 3 14:27
Okay, so story is we had our inaugural event this year, it was in March. So it's in a private hangar, and we've all been to private hangar parties. But this one is a bit of a twist. Because in this private hangar party, you bring your suitcase and everyone in attendance that evening. Gets a raffle ticket. And we raffle off three different couples to ride out that evening on that private jet to all expense paid weekend. In this past year, we we flew everyone to Laguna Beach. And so they had a three day all expense paid weekend at Laguna Beach, and they had to fly out that night. We had one couple that didn't even bring their suitcases. They had their kids at home with a nanny, and they said, You know what, this is going to a once in a lifetime adventure. Let's do it. And they flew with no luggage. And they bought everything when they got on nice. Yeah. Yeah. And it's really difficult
Speaker 2 15:26
to do, right. How much did y'all raise we raised
Speaker 3 15:30
to under $65,000. And this was our first year event. But you know it we're in the entertainment capital of the world. You know, it's hard to think of events and things that people haven't already seen or been part of a year, we're competing with the best of the best in our in our country. So this was a really magical event. And we've already got it slated for next year, April 12. theme is Hollywood glamour. And I think our destination will be la so we're working on now what that will experience at the hangar will be like, as well as what that destination is going to entail for the winners. We
Speaker 1 16:10
are interviewing Cassie roller. Just one second Maria, we are interviewing Kathy roller director of special events with miracle flights on the business of giving show. Just wanted to talk to you also about an event that the cause marketing chamber is going to be hosting in September, it'll be on the 14th. It is businesses with heart it's the 10th edition of our Community Give Back event that was actually the precursor for the development of the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce, it's going to be held at the space from 4pm to 8pm. It is a fantastic opportunity for you to come and learn more about the principles of cause marketing meet lots of people in business who are do gooders and there's going to be lots of food there is going to be lots of engagement education about cause marketing principles, there will be exhibitors, we're going to have an award ceremony as part of the event, our 10th event and we're going to name a cause marketer of the year a cause Marketing Business of the Year, as well as a nonprofit of the year. So we have a lot of special things that we're doing at this particular event. For more information about the event, we can be reached at cause marketing chamber.com all the information that you would need to know is there. We'd love to see you be a part of businesses with heart that 10th edition it's going to be held on September the 14th at the space from 4pm to 8pm. Seoul up in its channel partners are providing complimentary solar to local charities supporting for Hope link transitional housing properties, solar to feed pets of the homeless Volunteers of America opportunity village, their founder sits on the board of Nevada Conservation League. And of course, our guests charity miracle flights, amazing community support walking the walk. And we're still speaking with Kathy roller and as she's certainly living up to the billing that you have given to miracle flights, Maria, great information. Yeah, I'm
Speaker 3 18:16
here. Yes, yes, I really appreciate, I really appreciate the opportunity to share our mission and the events that we have coming up. And you know what we're we're able to be out so frequently in the community, and do all these things. Because the community cares and the community embraces us and our mission and what we're doing. So Las Vegas, I don't know that people outside of our Valley understand how how the community is in Las Vegas that everyone really does know everyone, and it's a tight knit community. And we really rally around services and things that people need.
Speaker 1 18:57
Yes, it's so significant to, to see organizations like yours, Kathy, that, as Maria has mentioned, is that walking the walk is so important when it comes to being seen as a nonprofit organization. We're a business that truly practicing things in the cars marketing space, and in just the things that you've described during this interview today of just, this is why I stay in this. This is why I'm a part of this community. Well, what do you think, Maria, do you have anything to add?
Speaker 2 19:32
No, I mean, I just I you know, we've interviewed several nonprofit teammates, several companies that walk the walk and talk the talk. But miracle flights is an organization that they do as well, and that is super important. I think that some nonprofits that aren't well funded or well organized sometimes fall a little bit short but miracle sites in particular under the leader Tip of Mark Brown their CEO continues to grow. Those who may serve, continue to expand. And it's really lovely to see.
Speaker 1 20:11
And where are some of the ways of Kathy? Was you being the special events person with miracle flights? How do you decide on the types of community engagement projects that you're going to work on? Is this something that is the board works on? How do you decide what what you're going to take on?
Speaker 3 20:29
Hey, great question. So I have a problem saying yes to everything, which is why we have over 50 events a year.
Unknown Speaker 20:35
So do I did?
Speaker 3 20:38
Right? So you know it. So it definitely, when we're looking at invitations to participate in different community events, we definitely, really look at the families that we serve, what what are we flying them for? So the cancers the Hartwall, the Rhonda McDonald Houses, those are, of course, top of top of line. I know, I think we added we just were in the conference room, we added the bowel syndrome walk this year. So we really are those are the first wave of people that I make sure to add on our calendar, our other nonprofits in our community, so we can just support each other. The next, the next wave of events that will participate in the community are events that of course have a lot of people for the awareness for our organization, but that might be in areas that our underserved, that we know that they're underserved, and that access to the, to our mission and to our programs and our flights, really, really could be life changing to these families. So underserved communities are are my next wave. And then of course and then didn't get slapped if there are any party opportunities that are just, hey, this is just going to be a fun event. Let's be part of it, then that's my third wave. Now, so for community events.
Speaker 2 22:07
mentioned one of the things that I would love for you to touch on Kathy too is your partnership with Marshall retail group, a WH Smith company and, and how you what you do, and families that are residents of Las Vegas are leaving for and how they support you when they are leaving for medical care outside of the state.
Speaker 3 22:29
Of course course, you're very intimate with how this partnership started, you helped us get this partnership started. So Marshall retail group is you know, it's the I love Vegas or the different stores and airports around the country, what we're working specifically with us. And every family that we fly, gets a little bear and he's a little aviator bear and his name is Miles. And this becomes his travel companion, their travel companion on their medical flight journey and we get pictures of them on the airplane with this little bear we get pictures when they're in the hospital, this is kind of a comfort has turned into a comfort plush bear for our families and kiddos that we fly. And with the partnership with Marshall retail with WH Smith. They've helped us source the spare manufacturers of spare. And now they sell this bear in over 50 locations across the US. And the proceeds from the spare are donated back to miracle flights. And I was looking at the numbers recently I feel like it's over $160,000 that they've donated already just from the sell of these bears. And and
Speaker 2 23:44
the reason I was happy to discuss the reason I wanted Kathy to bring this up guy is because this is an example of a cause product with, you know, a win win benefit, both for the charity, those whom they serve, and the company to be able to, you know, the employees rally behind this at Marshall, retail. I mean, everybody gets to play and it's super rewarding at the end of the day.
Speaker 3 24:12
Yeah, this is a really the depths of this partnership are pretty deep. We locally here in Las Vegas, we do kind of pop up events for the employees here locally in Las Vegas, the employees at airports across the nation, we let them know when we have families flying into their airport. And they'll do airport reading for our families which get those employees integrated and involved in our mission. The fact that the bears are at the stores and there's a cute display that talks about our mission. And then people that purchase those bears that are just probably last minute gifts for you know someone that's traveling home. They get to read on the bears what our mission is, and I can't tell you the number of people that have emailed and called because they got that bear at the air Pour as a last minute gift and oh my goodness, they can't believe what this bear means and what it represents and where the funds went.
Speaker 1 25:09
Yeah, people get really excited about that, don't they, Kathy, when we when they realize that they're doing something that's, that's good on so many levels and so their way out once people realize that they're doing something that's contributing to the community like that, that that creates that, that warm and fuzzy feeling that's attached to, to the cause marketing community?
Unknown Speaker 25:30
Speaker 1 25:33
Yes, this has really been an interesting discussion. We're here the business of giving podcast I'm here with our cause marketing consultant, Maria Perez. Maria, do you have any other questions? We still got a couple of more minutes to go. Do you have any other questions that you'd like to ask Kathy?
Speaker 2 25:50
Let's see. So Kathy, what is what is your favorite thing about your job? Why don't you tell us a little bit about that? You know, my favorite
Speaker 3 25:59
thing is honestly the mission and people might tell you that that work at charities and but truly my passion for this mission is it's just that because I was a mom that had to fly with a kiddo I get it on that side. But but also my background with other nonprofits and, and business background, I understand the sponsorship side in this cause marketing side. So I feel like I've got a pretty well rounded love for this mission. And, and I do, I do have the most fun job here. I'm doing the events, I'm creating the joy in the fund, while also bringing in funds to come to continue our mission and provide more flights.
Speaker 1 26:49
You Yeah, I can see why that would make it your dream job. Right, Kathy is that you get to beyond that, that end of it actually creating these great experiences that are fun and exciting. But there is so much profitability on different levels with the work that you're doing.
Speaker 3 27:06
I couldn't have imagined a better job and career path.
Unknown Speaker 27:13
Any other questions out there, Maria, that you have for Cassie?
Speaker 2 27:17
No, I just want to mention what I was mentioning in the mid the middle of the show is that I I have been to lots of events from parties in my in my lifetime. And I actually was even at a hangar party that FedEx it on. And miracle story presented that miracle fly story is the most fun party I have ever been to. And it was it was just phenomenal. It was outstanding. So I think everyone should go and have a look on miracle fights.org They have their sizzle reel. And you can actually see what that party what story looked like. And you should get your tickets for next year. Because they're going fast.
Speaker 1 28:01
Yeah, sounds like quite a party. Kathy. We have a lot to look forward to those of us that make sure that we are there. I'll
Unknown Speaker 28:08
make sure you get invitation guy.
Speaker 1 28:12
So I never turned down a good party, especially when there's a nonprofit involved. That is for sure. Well, Kathy, again, thank you so much for stopping by the business of giving podcast and one more time could you give information on how you can be reached about things related to miracle flights?
Speaker 3 28:29
Sir I think the easiest way is to go to our website miracle flights.org And then we're also on all social media handles as miracle flights.
Speaker 1 28:40
All right, keep up the great work over there at Miracle flights and the cause marketing consultant Maria Perez, our audience always enjoys your insight and the knowledge that you have about this community both on the business and cause marketing side. How can you be reached so that people can learn more about the things that you do as a cause marketing consultant?
Speaker 2 29:03
Well, if you want to discuss cause marketing strategy with me, cause coach Maria I can be reached at Maria at cause marketing consultant.com. So just give me a shout. Be happy to chat.
Speaker 1 29:14
And you can learn more about the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce on our social media sites as well as by visiting our website cause marketing chamber.com. And just one more plug for our event on September the 14th from 4pm to 8pm at the space you can learn more information about it at our website, the business of giving brought to you by so up underwriting of our series. Thank you so much for tuning into our show. And the thing that we ask you every week is to give and do business for good. See you next week.
Unknown Speaker 30:00
I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder as I'm getting older your people gets older most of us only care about money
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