Nonprofit MVP: Empowering Change Through a Unique Media Platform
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Speaker 2 0:11
You're listening to special programming sponsored by the cars marketing Chamber of Commerce. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents, the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Speaker 3 0:37
People live in the whole world addicted to the drama Hello, everyone and welcome to the business of giving podcast. My name is Guy Dawson and I am the founder and executive director of the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce. And cause marketing chamber is an organization that brings businesses and nonprofit organizations together to create synergistic relationships that benefit the community. And the business of giving podcast is all about highlighting the successes of nonprofit and for profit businesses. For more information about the cause marketing chain Chamber of Commerce, we can be reached at cause marketing This valuable show is made possible through the generosity of our series sponsor, solar and energy solution and conservation company specializing in solar and battery storage systems, including solar panels to learn more about them. They can be reached at Seoul And as usual, I am here with the cars marketing coach Maria Perez, my co hostess, how are you? Maria?
Unknown Speaker 1:49
I'm great. How you doing today guy fired up. We
Speaker 3 1:52
have bodies in the studio this week. It really takes it to another level, though. I mean, it's you being online or offline and we having other guests offline calling in there's a certain energy but when you have lots of things going on in the studio, you have bodies we're filming today, the energy level is at its peak. This is going to be a fun one, Maria. Yeah. And we have guests here today that you and I are both familiar with nonprofit MVP as a platform that is, it's just fantastic. What do you think, Maria? You've been working with them, we're going to interview them. What What's your take on nonprofit MVP.
Unknown Speaker 2:42
The nonprofit MVP is as you have characterized it, and upcoming entertainment and educational series that really embodies what it is to support those that are trying to improve their mission, grow their missions, serve more people. So I don't want to give away the store. But I think our listeners are going to really find the whole concept interesting, and what's trying to be achieved with this effort. So super excited to talk to the principals that are here with us today in studio.
Speaker 3 3:14
Yes, John Fondy. And Nancy Solari are with nonprofit MVP, they're going to share with us about their unique media platform throughout the next half hour. Welcome both of you to the business of giving podcast. Well, thanks
Unknown Speaker 3:29
so much for having us. Body one. Happy
Unknown Speaker 3:31
to be here, Nancy. Yay.
Speaker 3 3:35
We've been looking forward to this particular interview for quite some time. This is really a family affair, because not only are they being interviewed on this podcast, but I'm also a part of the platform for non profit MVP, as is Maria Perez, all the families in the house today.
Unknown Speaker 3:52
Yeah, we better play a little Sly and the Family sit down a little bit today if
Unknown Speaker 3:58
you're in the family. Welcome.
Speaker 3 4:02
Well, I think the best place to start this interview today would be with the star of the show, which is Nancy Solari. Nancy, will you share some background with our audience about nonprofit MVP?
Unknown Speaker 4:15
Absolutely. Well, thank you everyone for listening. And I can't wait for you to see the show unfold and maybe be a part of it. It's exciting. Yeah, nonprofit MVP really starts just a little bit with my own journey because I'm legally blind. And my co host here frost beside me, but you know, being having retinitis pigmentosa had been supported by so many nonprofits over the years in my own life that to see this show give people the opportunity that if they want to be a contestant participate and learn and grow, like tangible hands on experience and then be able to win money on top of that to apply to their organization. Like that's amazing, but just To be able to know that the viewers at home are going to be able to get the education, there's one tip could help them grow their team, one tip could help them with a fundraiser. And then even beyond that, we're going to have a university that's going to have more education, and it's just going to be amazing.
Speaker 3 5:18
This show is really about the empowerment of nonprofit organizations. Maria, would you have any questions you want to ask Nancy or John?
Unknown Speaker 5:29
Sure, I'm interested in having our listeners sort of understand the oneness show and the sort of the whole concept of providing a boot camp boot camp, excuse me a learning environment. That's both both visually appealing. But that really, really helps the folks that are our contestants. You want to talk a little bit about that, John?
Unknown Speaker 5:53
Well, yeah, sure. I am the producer and the director of the show, and I've got about 42 years in the business. I started in Hollywood, but I also have 42 years in the nonprofit industry, God kind of gave me these talents and said, Hey, let's go use them for some things that are going to be maybe a little bit more beneficial. So I'm excited to be involved with this show. It came to me through the Nevada Film Office. And they were looking for Nancy and her team, were looking for a producer director that had nonprofit experience somewhat limited here in Las Vegas. So I got the call, and boy was I excited when I got that call. And so we developed this show. And essentially, the show is designed to be educational, not only for the audience, but also for nonprofits, either new nonprofits and newer nonprofits, or nonprofits that want to grow as well. And which collectively, we've decided to put some fun stuff in there. For instance, the boot camps are hands on boot camps, in locations in and around Las Vegas. And the contestants will actually learn things about nonprofit in the bootcamp. For instance, Christie sauce sermon with auction, Frob, you'll hear for her from her in a moment teaches you how to raise money through auctions, we've got business people that talk to you about making sure that your nonprofit is compliant. We talked about how to raise money, Maria, and her team talks us about what is the reason for for building those, those sponsorships, and those donor bases and stuff like that. But the fun part about this guy, and Maria, is that we go out on the streets of Las Vegas. And we kind of take a little slice from the apprentice pie. And we've got challenges that the that our students will go through. And those are a lot of fun. And then we'll wrap that up in the studio with a live studio audience where they contestants pitch their nonprofit to our live studio audience. Our celebrity mentors, give us some some tips and things. And of course, we did mention Nancy's co host frost will be with us as well. And he's just an excellent vision and gives a little more excitement to the show. So Maria, did that kind of solve it a little bit for you?
Unknown Speaker 8:18
You bet. I think I think framing it up in terms of it being a challenge. You know, hands on, sort of apprentice like and at the end of the day, the nonprofit's are learning in these challenges. And we all know nonprofits sentence are low on bandwidth. And it's very difficult for them to do skills enhancement. And so this really certainly is a win win.
Speaker 3 8:46
Yeah, it's one of the reasons why we develop this particular show was we saw a space in media in the nonprofit world. There are so many nonprofit out organizations out there that are doing great things, incredible services. And I know Nancy, you are like one of the greatest cheerleaders that I've ever talked to when it comes to the nonprofit space. But did you recognize that there is a there's a hole in media when it comes to the promotion of the nonprofit sector?
Unknown Speaker 9:17
Yeah, I mean, I just think that there's such an opportunity. There's, I mean, there's so many great shows out there that have come before us that have taught great business skills, but you know, the nonprofit spaces is really special. And there it's hard. And it you have so many different factors that not even are in your own control. And so I just really hope that as I look at all the nonprofits, little bitty ones that have helped me along the years and really big ones that you know, it's just for a recipient like me. It's a game changer in life but surely it it is what allowed me to be independent. You It is what allowed me to have no vision yet be able to run a global company. It gave me my guide dog frost who's my co host, right? It is. I mean, but but that all came from somebody saying, Hey, I'd like to open a school that helps blind people learn how to use guide dogs, it, everything starts with our thoughts, I want everybody out there to know that we will stand beside you and help teach, you know, we can't wait to see what you create.
Speaker 3 10:28
And Maria is a cause marketing coach, I know that your mission is all about preparing people to be successful in this in this space. And when you look at at a project like this, the development of the nonprofit MVP, as from a coach's perspective, and maybe you could talk to John about this or Nancy about it. How do you, you know, how do you mold this into something that will truly have the impact that it's meant to have,
Unknown Speaker 10:54
in order for nonprofits to grow, and serve more people and have their mission expand and be recognized and create awareness around that. They don't necessarily have the opportunity to get a business acumen. And so this, this show is allowing that and making it fun, and fundamentally equipping these people to succeed further. And so, you know, it's I coach all the time on the distinction among philanthropy, corporate partnering and sponsorship, and, and this is what we're what this show is all about is providing this business acumen that these folks can take back to the mothership and, and grow their their mission and serve more people. So it from my point of view, it's, it's pretty stellar.
Speaker 3 11:44
And you, John, having been in this space for many years, as you had mentioned earlier in the interview, has this summary. Is this something that you envisioned at any time over the course of your career in media? Absolutely
Unknown Speaker 11:56
not. I, I got involved in nonprofits. And I lead with my heart, I didn't have enough information of lead with my brain. So I live with my heart. And then about 13 years ago, I decided to start my very own nonprofit, and oh, my gosh, Maria, I was I was an acrobat without a net. And I fell so many times, and I wish that an organization like this particular show was there. So I can I feel like I could have that safety net. And Marie, I followed your career for many, many years now. And I just so wished I could have had the support of you and guy and and this showed and the specialists that are that were going to be featured on the show to guide me along. I think I would be there quicker, better, and probably would have made a whole lot less mistakes, it would have been less painful. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 12:58
And you're not alone. You're not alone. I mean, unfortunately, unfortunately, you know, leaders of nonprofits are lead with their heart because this is their passion. And you know, you should give me money because I do good work. But unfortunately, the economics of the world are not like that. So I do think that that what you have put together is so empowering, and will underscore the value and importance of taking your mission lenses off for a moment and putting your business mission lenses on again, so you can serve more people, which at the end of the day is what the nonprofits does.
Speaker 3 13:36
Yeah. And for you, Nancy, again, many, many years as well, in the media space in the nonprofit world. This is a form of expression for you, especially being the host of the show along with your lovely dog frost. Yeah. What do you want the viewers to get out of their experience watching nonprofit MVP?
Unknown Speaker 13:57
Well, you know, at all just, you know, I'm such a vulnerable, authentic person in the sense that I'll just tell you all, I just hope frost and I don't walk, you know, stage left off the stage, you know, I mean, you just never know when you know, you've got an ambitious guide dog and a legally blind woman but but I'll tell you what, it's it's it's so interesting. I am so actually grateful that I had this journey. I wonder what 2020 vision Nancy would be like, but two, I would not be here like like this show would not be happening. The idea wouldn't have come to me I probably wouldn't have had as much absorption of different nonprofits over the years. And the thing about broadcasting that's been kind of a kick is you know, I was in it years ago and I became hard to read a teleprompter because I was losing my vision and then with RP which is retinitis pigmentosa, it's depth perception loss, night vision loss, color blindness loss, like you lose a lot of it, but all your other senses go to like that. And the power. So you better believe I mean, I can smell and I can taste and I can touch and it guides me and I'm just so thrilled to represent both nonprofits but also those who may have a disability of any kind. And you wonder one day, could I host a show? Gosh, could I get into broadcasting? Absolutely. And I and I, again will stand with those folks to make sure that their dreams come true.
Speaker 3 15:25
For those of you who might be just tuning in, you're listening to the business of giving podcast brought to you by the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce, and soul up is and its channel partners are providing complimentary solar to local charities supporting for Hope link transitional housing properties, solar to feed pets of the homeless Volunteers of America and opportunity village, their founder sits on the board of Nevada Conservation League. Also wanted to share we have a brand new member in the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce. This nonprofit organization is called Heart and Soul hospitality, CDC, they bring together participants from all walks of life for meaningful experiences year after a year. For more information about them, they can be reached at heart and soul, hospitality And Maria Perez, the cause marketing coach, do you have any questions for our guests today?
Unknown Speaker 16:30
Well, I think what I would like maybe John to address real quick is like, what can we expect to see in a typical episode? What what will? What will the viewers experience and? And what is the anatomy of a challenge?
Unknown Speaker 16:48
Well, first of all, we're excited to let you know that this is a national television show, it's been picked up on cable, satellite, as well as many other stations, which is, as you guys know, unusual for a show. That's that's, that has never been the hasn't been shot yet, as well. And I think the one thing about this, and and this is easy to say because our entire tire team, we have a lot of fun producing this show. And not only do we want to educate the people, but but also understand being involved in a nonprofit is fun, and it's rewarding. And we don't want it to come off like a business show. We want it to come off with entertainment and laughter. And, and probably some tears in there as well. And of course, our studio audience that's their very unique that our studio audience will be selecting that nonprofit. So very much like some of the other competition shows that are out there today. You've got to be on your game. And when the people that don't make it on the show, we will we have a VIP University where you actually can go to our website and learn and see the segments of the show in full detail. And you may not make it on this next show there is but by learning and improving your nonprofit you make make the cut and be involved in the next nonprofit VIP show. So and of course, you know, it doesn't hurt that we're that we're going to really help these these missions out with a little bit of cash as well. There'll be cash that will be offered for the winner of each episode. And of course up to $100,000 for our grand prize winner. I don't know, Nancy, that kind of makes me feel good.
Unknown Speaker 18:48
Yeah, it does. I mean, honestly, I think about the word again, game changing for some of these contestants, and what they can do with that. And it's exciting. And honestly, I am so proud to be with all of you guys, Maria, John Christie, you know, we have such a team. We're leading with our hearts on this project. And we're just so excited to watch everybody grow.
Speaker 3 19:12
As someone who is deeply involved in this community being a part of the chamber. I work with a lot of people in the nonprofit sector as well as the business sector. And I like to say that we are warriors. Because we look at what it takes to run a business, a traditional business or a nonprofit organization. You really have to have a tenacity on a level right and a belief in what it is that you are wanting to share with the world to be able to work through everything that it takes to keep that that organization going. Are you with this particular show, the identification that maybe somebody out there wanted to start a nonprofit organization, is that something that's important to boasts I'd love for both of you to talk more about that. Well,
Unknown Speaker 20:03
sure, as frost would say, it takes a candle to raise a nonprofit. Well, and that's exactly what what we've got here is we've got a great candle here, as well. And I think that's the one thing to know. And believe it or not the one reason that people don't get involved in nonprofits because nobody asks them, or they don't know how to get it to get started or how to get involved in. And I think, Nancy, I think you and I experienced that, to the point of where we've got to learn to say no, a little bit more than we do, because we'll take on anything. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 20:45
I kind of say Not right now, I don't get the hard nosed sometimes. But yeah, and truly, you know, MVP, it's all about motivating vision through purpose. So, you know, tap into what your purpose is, like, like the community that you'd like to serve the, you know, the problem you'd like to solve, let that bit like vision grow and be as big as you can wildly have it, and then let nonprofit MVP help and all the experts and, you know, connect the dots, and, you know, but I just I think that you just have to start. So I just really want people to get off the couch, I want them to, to take that idea that they've been thinking about for years, grab their bestie, you know, grab their neighbor, and just start. And
Speaker 3 21:31
then you need to reach out to Maria, the cause marketing coach, because she'll get you in line, right. Maria is gonna set you up for success, but it's not going to be all fun and games, is it Maria?
Unknown Speaker 21:45
No. But you know, here's the thing, the premise of this show is to provide these folks with skills that they that they have gaps in. And, you know, at the end of the day, I keep saying it over and over again, philanthropies Great, thank you very much for your support, corporate partner, and thank you for those of waterbottle donations, but, but getting funding for initiatives and sponsorships and to pay for promotions, and outreach and messaging for your nonprofit. That's the business side of things. And this show is all about sharpening those skills, or getting those skills, the people that don't have them. And I can't not underscore how powerful that is for the growth of a nonprofit or for starting a nonprofit or for growing your ambition.
Speaker 3 22:35
And I think just the publicity that the nonprofit sector is going to get as a result of the success of this show is also going to help a lot of people improve volunteerism, people have a lot of perceptions about what the nonprofit space is all about. You guys have any thoughts on that? The the perceptions of the overall nonprofit world?
Unknown Speaker 22:59
Well, I think Nancy really said it the best get off the couch, you can actually go to the nonprofit MVP site. And actually, there's a There's an application process that's there. So somebody could start filling out that application and start that selection process to be a contestant on the show, or get involved in the university. Or, or give Maria a call and say how do I get started and, and, and really being a being a being a part of it. And I think the perception of nonprofits out there is is is so many times we focus on needing the assets and the resources for it. And I think that's one of the assets you need. And the perception out there is I don't think we we let people know enough about our job is to care. Our job is to give our job is to help solve problems and make somebody else's life just a little bit better than mine was today that I think we've started to do our job.
Unknown Speaker 24:07
Yeah. Any thoughts on that? Nancy?
Unknown Speaker 24:09
Yeah, you know that the thing is, I've got I'm pulling back the curtain here, because truly we are the family. We're here today put talking about this. But the thing about the show that's unique is it's teams. So you get to, as a contestant participate with two other people, three other people, you know, in a business is not always built by itself. I mean, in my own business, I don't see so hot, right. I might be the brain of the business, but others are my eyes. They're my arms or my legs. So, again, it's about getting started. It's about taking that purpose, what you problem you want to solve, go to nonprofit MVP, hit apply, fill out the form, let us know if you need help, but it's just getting out there and getting started because the funny thing and kind of the scary thing is Is is, again, I think about those nonprofits, what if they had never existed? Where would I be? And so I want us all to get those ideas in action so that others can get the relief others can can thrive.
Speaker 3 25:14
Yeah, just excellent testimonials today, everyone for the advocacy of the nonprofit sector. I mean, all of us, again, we're so engaged in the work, we really understand the value that this part of society brings to the community. And I mean, that's what the business of giving show is all about. The cross marketing chamber is another place, a resource for you to be able to learn how to get involved in all this great work, and we have a lot of fun. That's one thing that i That's right. It was like, when I got in the nonprofit space, it was a party for this and a party for that, you know, we were always doing something, but it was always meaningful and had purpose. Maria, do you have any last thoughts? Or any questions that you want to ask our two guests today?
Unknown Speaker 26:03
Well, I, I think they've done a really great job of developing this or framing this up of communicating to our listeners, what it's all about, I think, I think we could maybe perhaps, talk a little bit more about where folks can go, maybe John, Nancy could give us the URL one more time for where the application is where the information is on an overview of the show. If someone is interested in being a sponsor, that kind of thing. Can you help us there?
Unknown Speaker 26:30
Sure, Nancy, go ahead. Take it.
Unknown Speaker 26:33
I'll take it. Okay. Yeah, so it's nonprofit And when you go there, you're gonna learn all about the show, and and all about the boot camps and what will be experienced there, then you just look for that apply button, it's all over the place, and you fill out the form. And again, you get to do it with your team. So everybody kind of fills out their information and you can submit a video, let us know about your organization, what you know, maybe what fundraisers you've done. It's it's it's a form that will really helped us to get to know you. And then we will get back to you. And we'll have further auditions and interviews and and then we just can't wait to have you on the show. And I also just want to make sure that you know, everybody knows that you're welcome to email us to follow up info and nonprofit Just any way we can support you.
Speaker 3 27:30
John Fondy and Nancy Solaria with nonprofit MVP, it is a television show that is going to empower nonprofits and the community and again both of you we We greatly appreciate your efforts and we look forward to bringing you back in the studio because it's going to be such a massive success that we're going to have to talk about how successful the show is sometime soon, won't we?
Unknown Speaker 27:53
We will sir confetti in the sky yay.
Speaker 3 27:58
Thanks again for stopping by Maria the cause marketing coach, how can people get in contact with you so you can whip them into shape to become more successful nonprofit organizations? Well,
Unknown Speaker 28:09
if you want to discuss cause marketing strategy with me cause coach Maria I can be reached at Maria at cause marketing And I'd be happy to have a chat.
Speaker 3 28:20
And to learn more about the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce We can be reached at cause marketing You can also follow us on our social media sites. And as usual, you can tune into 91.5k u and v to listen to this show. We're also developing a YouTube channel that we're going to be promoting more and more on this show and elsewhere. The business of giving podcast was brought to you by sole UPS underwriting of our series we hope that you enjoyed this journey into the world of nonprofits and businesses and always remember to give and do business for
Unknown Speaker 29:02
Unknown Speaker 29:14
feel the weight of the world on my shoulder. As I'm getting older your people gets older. Most of us only care about money.
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