The Impact of Cause Marketing with Red Rock City Lifestyle
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Speaker 1 0:11
You're listening to special programming sponsored by the cars marketing Chamber of Commerce. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents, the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Speaker 2 0:37
People live in the whole world addicted to the drama only attracted. Hello, everyone, and welcome to the business of giving podcast. My name is Guy Dawson and I am the Executive Director of the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce. And we are an organization that brings businesses and nonprofit organizations together to create synergistic relationships that benefit the community. And this podcast is designed to do just that to showcase the people in our community who are using cause oriented business practices to make the world a better place. And our chamber in particular specializes in all aspects of the cause marketing world if you want to learn more about what we do at the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce, we can be reached at cause marketing And as usual, I have my hostess. She is a cause marketing consultant. Her name is Maria Perez. Welcome back to the show, Maria.
Unknown Speaker 1:38
Well, thank you guys. So pleasure to be here today.
Speaker 2 1:41
Causes causes causes, we were talking a lot about media when we were off air preparing for the person that we're going to be interviewing today. And, boy, I think people are going to get an earful of the relationship between media and causes, with our interview with our interesting guest today.
Speaker 3 2:02
I agree with you wholeheartedly. We have Camilla Duran with us today who is the publisher of city lifestyle, would you like to tell us a little bit about the publication and the sister publication, Camilla. Tell our viewers for sure.
Unknown Speaker 2:16
First of all, thank you for having me, Maria, and guy. It's an honor and a privilege to be here speaking to the community about what I do. So the name of the magazine is Red Rock City lifestyle. We I also have a sister magazine down in Henderson called Henderson city lifestyle. So when I first acquired the magazine a couple of years ago, I was wondering how I could continue on my mission to help others and inspire and lift and empower people. And so, you know, I'm very connected to to my inner being to God source energy, whatever name you want to give it. So the message that I heard was that through the magazine, I could do just that by, you know, using it as a vehicle to promote our local nonprofits here in Southern Nevada, especially in Las Vegas and Henderson. And also write editorials to highlight you know, the several aspects that these causes have, so that people can join in and support. And so that's what I do every month, I make sure that there's a nonprofit and or local cause that serves, you know, less privileged, or challenged people in our community. And this way, I can really make sure that these causes are known by all the readers and acts. In the present moment, we have about 65,000, over 65,000 readers every month per magazine. So by putting these stories out there in both publications, in print, we can reach about 120,000 people every month. So that is my way you use what I do for a living to give back to the community.
Speaker 3 4:20
Yeah, it's it's super powerful, because I mean, it really epitomizes what causes social issues, marketing is all about. And it seems to be completely woven into your culture and your business practices. And, you know, being genuine is super important. So you know, we really applaud you for the work that you do. It's outstanding.
Unknown Speaker 4:44
Thank you, Maria. Yeah, and aside from that, you know, I'm always open to helping these nonprofits organize fundraisers. A big a big partner of mine is miracle flight. They've been growing really, really fast these past couple of years in the community helping children and veterans that need medical attention. Other clauses that, you know, I've come across our via Shiro Foundation, from Kimberly miles Make A Wish Foundation. And yeah, no, I, I also have a drawing a group online called Granton giving, and that's, we, we donate there are over 200 and something Women's Business Women in this community, and every month, we donate a certain amount of money to, to to the big pot, if you may. And then every quarter, we vote on what nonprofit, we will assign the amount to. So yesterday evening, we had a meeting, and the homeless youth foundation for Southern Nevada was granted $7,300. It was the one that was voted Yeah. So I'm very involved in the community giving back is, is one of the you know, the biggest values, like you said, That's my business and myself, that we are, you know, prioritize, because, you know, what's the point and being successful? If you can't, and if you won't give back to the community and help others?
Speaker 3 6:26
Yeah, I think it's really it's really quite amazing. I don't I know several of your advertisers, I've come to know them. Because I also had done some work with miracle flights. And it's amazing. A perfect example is your your business associate and colleague from via Brazil, who she poured, she pours everything into this community alongside you. And you don't see that you don't see that in Vegas very often. And you don't, right, you don't see these types of collaborations. And they're just incredible guy the work that Camilla and some of her advertisers have done in our community. It's amazing. Yeah,
Speaker 2 7:06
I was mentioning to her and we were talking about off air about since COVID, how the sense of community has really, really grown here in this town, specifically. And the question that I had for you, Camilla is the people that are reading your magazine, and they're seeing all these collaborations that you're doing with nonprofit organizations. How do they respond to that? Is that something obviously it's something that they're really enjoying?
Unknown Speaker 7:37
Yes. So they, they tell me that people, you know, get in touch with them, how can I volunteer? How can I support? How can I donate another organization that I'm always helping out? Glenn rich, he's the president of the Summerlin Rotary Club, the foundation. And every time there's a big event that he needs help with sponsorship and advertising, he comes to me, because it's been effective, not only through the the connections with the advertisers, the readers really reach out to donate to volunteer and to help in some capacity. So that's, that's a great feedback that I get that the advertising in the magazine is really, really effective. It really helps nonprofits and businesses grow and expand and really solidify their, you know, themselves here in the community.
Speaker 2 8:38
Yes, and that type of exposure for nonprofit organizations is so critical. And I know Maria, when you had reached out to me about possibly bringing Camilla onto the show for us to learn more about what she does i That was my whole thinking was what a great opportunity for these nonprofit organizations to be able to, to gain exposure in the community, within a widely distributed local publication that people are really interested in. Yeah, I just I really could appreciate what Maria was doing and bringing you on to share about something that's so in alignment with what we're doing, which is it's all about community.
Unknown Speaker 9:21
Yeah. And I you know, the, the key, I think one of the successes that I can, I can identify in, in my publication is that because the magazine is directly delivered to the most upscale residents here in the community, you can find the magazine by can and racks, you know, like pharmacies or supermarkets or anything you really have to live in the upscale homes here in town to be able to get the magazines So these are people that have the means to contribute to causes to can appreciate, you know, donating volunteering, sponsoring causes and identify with with our nonprofit. So I think the intentional distribution of the magazine is key to the success of this impact that the magazine has with local nonprofits. Wow, that's a
Speaker 3 10:27
powerful statement, intentional distributions, I mean, and being able to measure the social impact. Wow, that's, that really is at the heart of what causes social issues, marketing is all about and, you know, really celebrate the work.
Unknown Speaker 10:45
Thank you, I am very honored to have been gifted, quote unquote, gifted the magazine as my business to really be able to, again, inspire Empower, uplift the community, and the nonprofits that that we have.
Speaker 3 11:05
And it really is quite an extraordinary business model. If you think about it guy, it really, it really does embody everything that is important about cars and social issues, marketing. I mean, it's really a 365 business model in my, in my mind, and and Camilla is replete with gratitude, which is even even better, to be social, you know, yeah, just
Speaker 2 11:34
oozes all out of her. And, you know, when another thing that we were talking about was the value of direct mail in this internet oriented society that we live in me being in public relations and marketing. The world is so digital. And I mean, I think it's wonderful, right, it's created a lot of opportunities for people to be able to inexpensively share content. One of the challenges, though, with so many people distributing content everywhere is that the internet is saturated. And when you were talking about this direct mail component, where it's going directly to a targeted audience, via mail, it is I had had mentioned to you before Camillia, it almost stands out like a sore thumb receiving a magazine in the mail, in this current world, is it's something you rarely see, right, because everything's happening on the internet. The thing
Speaker 3 12:34
that's amazing is that it's hyperlocal. But it's super high end, like, like, when Camilla talks about the intentional distribution, I'm a recipient of this publication. And I live in Canyon gate, and I feel special. And I, I mentioned to the people that are in it advertising because I, I can trust them. And I trust them. So it's,
Unknown Speaker 12:57
yeah, we don't, we don't just take anybody who you know, can has a budget. Before taking an advertiser on I made sure to talk to them, that them quote unquote, vet them as much as I can, obviously, right. But to make sure that they are reliable, you know, what are their ratings on, on on Google? How many reviews do they have, I visit their facilities, most of the time I become their clients as well. So I can attest to the quality of the products and their services. Because the magazine is part of who I am, and I am part of the magazine. It's like the symbiosis, you know, going on. And I really want to associate myself just with positivity and, and good business models, good business perspectives, and people who really want the best for for one another and for our community. So if it has to be a win win, it always has to be a win win. If it's not a win win, then we're not in alignment. And it's better if we part ways.
Speaker 3 14:06
Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, and, and regardless of what anybody thinks about cause marketing, and we get a lot of people that don't really understand what it is, and the value of it for their business. If at the end of the day, if somebody can buy a professional service or product that will do good. They will pick that that professional service or product over an item or you know a business that does not. So, again, it comes full circle to to, you know, buy here and and have impact.
Unknown Speaker 14:41
Yeah, right. Exactly.
Speaker 2 14:44
Yeah, for those of you out there who might be just tuning in, you're listening to the business of giving podcast sponsored by the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce. And I just wanted to give you all an update about an event that we're going to be hosting on the 14th of September. It's going And to be at the space, which is a great venue that very supportive of the nonprofit community here in town, from 4pm to 8pm, we're going to be hosting the businesses with heart Expo, it is the 10th event that we have hosted. And we're really, really excited to be able to share more of these principles with more people at this event, it's an expo style event. So you're going to be able to shake hands with a lot of local business people and professionals and, of course, a lot of do gooders because that's, those are the types of people that we tend to attract at these events, lots of great food, we're also for the very first time at our 10th event, going to crown a nonprofit of the year, cause marketer of the year and cause marketing business of the year. So this is a unique thing that we have not done, it's going to become an institution within the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce. And we would love, love, love for all of you to attend our event, it is $20. And you can go to the website, cause marketing to reach us about more information about this event. But again, we welcome you to attend businesses with heart fall Expo 2023. And it is going to be on September the 14th. From 4pm to 8pm. We actually also have a pre event mixer that we're going to be hosting on the 29th of September, and that will be from 6pm to 8pm. It's a free event, it's going to be at the Pine Hollow winery in excellent small winery here in town out on Charleston, completely free event, another opportunity for you to meet some wonderful people in the cause marketing community. So again, for more information, we can be reached at cause marketing And Maria, you just keep bringing on these phenomenal guests that are giving backs. You have a real talent for this finding people who are incredibly engaged in our community.
Speaker 3 16:59
Well, they don't they don't call me the match Maven for now. I've been blessed I've been blessed to meet these people. And and I, you know, I feel honored to be able to share them with our community as well.
Speaker 2 17:15
Yes, and Camilla. It's it's one of the things also we had. It's great when some of the off the air talks that you have with people are just incredibly interesting. And I always inevitably end up sharing things on the air that I talk about with our guests before we ever even make it onto the air. And we we spoke about a few things. And it's just a culture of Community Oriented publications as Maria had touched on, feeling that you are connected with the people the features in the magazines about local people who you may know how incredibly powerful that is when you're creating a media vehicle. Because people really like to be able to identify with the people that they see in these magazines. And if this was rare, right? We read certain publications and there are people who we know about but we don't really know them being someone who receives your publication allows people to see people that are in their community. There's a greater connection there. Have you found that?
Unknown Speaker 18:26
Yeah, I actually while you were talking just now i i just recalled to two quick stories that I would like to share. So one of them is I was meeting a new marketing partner or concierge doctor Dr. Sue me at Pete's coffee on wala phi and Twain, we were outside the coffee shop and I had my magazines laid out on the table and we were talking and this woman walks out. And she she sees us and she's like, Oh my god, are you Red Rock? I'm like, yeah, she's like, Oh my god, I get your magazine every month in my house. And I read it from cover to cover. And then she asked Dr. Sophie, are you going to advertise and like Well, I'm thinking about it. Like, you totally should. It's a great magazine and he looked at me and he's like, Did you pay this lady to be here today? No, I was like so in awe of you know the timing and and how everything worked out. So needless to say he did sign up with me. And he just started on the magazine, his first articles coming out in October. And so the second the second story that I want to also tell you really quickly guy and Maria is we had our fundraiser for miracle flights in June. It was our second edition of a party that we now called Jags and jet comm experienced the lifestyle at Jaguar Land Rover We're on Ray horn wave. We were there. And I was introduced to this gentleman who had a very interesting jacket on a very interesting coat. And he's like, Hi, I'm, you know, I'm so and so. And I'm like, Oh, hey, nice to meet you. I'm the publisher of Red Rock to the left. I was like, Oh, you're the publisher. Just like, You're the reason I'm here today, I get your magazine in my house. And he lives up in the ridges. He says, I get your magazine in my house. And you know, I want to contribute to the cause. Can you introduce me to the president of the organization or the CEO? So immediately, I, you know, I go and get Mark Brown, who is the CEO of vertical flights, and I introduced it to, and this gentleman is like, Oh, my God, I want to give you $5,000 right now. And I'm like, Okay, and so yeah, so right now, because of the magazine, that's that night, we received an extra $5,000. And that night, we were able to raise over $17,000 in tickets in silent auction and in donations, which supersedes are seen last year as ammonia. Last year, we, we raised over $13,000. And this year, we were able to raise that to over $17,000. So yeah, it works. It works. People read and people participate. And just getting the feedback from the community has been just amazing and inspiring to me to continue to do the work.
Speaker 3 21:35
But you know, you so many businesses come to me because I'm, that's what I do for a living. And they just don't seem to be able to get their head around how this works. And you just explain. Look at the beauty of the relationship, the nonprofit beneficiary got money, a bunch of folks in the community got to celebrate the mission and learn about the mission and have fun. The dealership got to be a host. And everybody wants. There's no downside. Yeah.
Speaker 2 22:05
For sure, yeah, that's that good business karma that we talk about all the time on the show here is that when everybody's winning, you've got a great situation there. Everyone feels fulfilled in the transaction. And there's their synergy. I would imagine Camila that gets created through this, that leads to other things in the future, more opportunities for you to be able to provide more value through your publication. And, and more people are interested in, in doing things doing business with you, because you're providing value you want to see other people win. And this is Maria talks about this quite a bit. Like she said, It's very misunderstood. Sometimes the way that cause marketing works, but it's really always about value. Always, always about
Speaker 3 22:53
you know, if you, you know, this is a cause marketing chamber, and we recognize that businesses need to make money, but there's a way that they can make money and, and be genuine about their contributions to incremental, you know, support for nonprofits. And, you know, we talked about that with with Steve Amelie, who came on the show from Soloff as well, which is a client of Camilla as well. And, you know, it's just it's integrated into their culture and their DNA, the DNA of their business so it there is no downside.
Speaker 2 23:29
Yes, and all that positive feedback that you're receiving with your, your publication, but uh, one question that I had for you, Camilla is what is it like the day to day life of a publisher of a publication? Such as Red Rock? What what do you do on a day to day basis to run your business?
Unknown Speaker 23:50
There's never a dull moment guys.
Unknown Speaker 23:53
I would imagine
Unknown Speaker 23:57
there's never a dull moment. So I'm usually meeting people all day long. Not only for you know prospecting new businesses that you know might be aligned with becoming you know, advertising branding partners. I'm always going to events luncheons, happy hours. Really just getting into the community and hearing people out what do they need? What are the trends and having the right team to help me coordinate all this is so important, I could not do it with my team of people. I'm not in this by myself. I have an incredible editor who is my right hand and every month we sit down to see hey, how can what kind of magic are we going to create this month? Who are we going to highlight what are the causes? What about next issues so for so I don't know. Maria to remember and guy you said you get my publications On June, we are able to feature Santana. So Santana, he lives up in Summerlin and one of the communities that gets the magazine. And we tried to connect with him for over six months, it was like really, really a challenge for me, I'm like, I'm getting this guy because he has this beautiful foundation. He's added for years. And although he's a world renowned celebrity, he does a lot of work here locally in the valley through his nonprofit, and a lot of the foundation so my next target is also another celebrity that I'm trying to get for our November issue, which is about thankful. So it's about giving back that that issue is exclusively about giving back to the community. So he is he is on my list and hopefully I found two people this last week that can help me get to him. And also it's going to be all about his work with the youth that he does to his foundation. So I'm always on the lookout for causes so I welcome everybody to reach out to me at any time and and see what we can do to help them you know, be known and highlighted in the community as a great cause where people can can learn so they can join and support in some capacity. Do
Unknown Speaker 26:24
you have a website where they can reach out to you
Unknown Speaker 26:28
so they can go to www dot city forward slash Red Rock and there they have my they can have access to my email my and my phone number. Or yeah, just send a message and I'll be sure to get back to them as soon as I can.
Speaker 2 26:50
Yeah, keep up the great work within the community. Camilla Duran is the publisher of Red Rock City lifestyle and she is a cause marketer extraordinaire and yeah, again Maria excellent score and for you of course being the cause marketing consultant and have our duo here on the show how can people reach you what website can they go to to reach you about cause marketing consulting? Yeah,
Speaker 3 27:17
well if you want to discuss cause marketing strategy with me, cause coach Maria You can reach me at Maria at cause marketing And I'd be happy to have a chat.
Speaker 2 27:29
And as always, you can reach the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce at cause marketing You can also follow us on our social media sites. We have a LinkedIn page, a Facebook page, a Twitter page and we've recently developed a business of giving YouTube page that we're going to be promoting a lot more in the coming months so you can follow the things that are happening within the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce on multiple platforms again, we can be reached at cause marketing Thank you all for tuning into this edition of our show. And always remember to give and do business for good. See you soon.
Unknown Speaker 28:21
Unknown Speaker 28:29
the weight of the world on my shoulder as I'm getting older, your people gets older. Most of us only care about money.
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