The Power of Toastmasters: A Journey of Growth and Leadership
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This is a k u and v studios original program. You're listening to special programming sponsored by the cars marketing Chamber of Commerce. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents, the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:30
People live in live thank god
Unknown Speaker 0:34
Hello everyone and welcome to the business of giving podcast. My name is Guy Dawson and I am the founder and executive director of the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce and cause marketing Chamber of Commerce is a 501 C six nonprofit organization that brings businesses and nonprofit organizations together to create synergistic relationships that benefit the community. The business of giving podcast highlights both of these sectors, the for profit and nonprofit sectors, we are a resource to share the all the wonderful things that the for profit sector of business and nonprofit sector bring to the community. If you'd like to get more information about what we do at the cause marketing chamber cause marketing I greatly appreciate the opportunity on a weekly basis to be able to share the principles of cause marketing with all of you. And a big reason that I'm able to do this has been the training that I've received as a member of Toastmasters International. I have been a member of Toastmasters as of April 1 of this year for 17 years. It is the largest communication and leadership organization in the world. And it is something that I wholeheartedly endorse. I think that anyone could benefit from membership and Toastmasters International. And I have a person who is a good friend of mine and very prominent in the organization who's going to come on share his story about Toastmasters. And we're both going to to explain why we continue to be members of this organization and how beneficial it is. My friend's name is Jessie Oakley the third and he is the international director of region to Toastmasters. Welcome to the business of giving podcast Jesse.
Unknown Speaker 2:28
Thank you guys for having me. It's great to be here.
Unknown Speaker 2:30
And Jesse and I have known each other since 2006. As a matter of fact, before I ever even joined Toastmasters International, I met Jesse at a kickoff event for a brand new club out at Nellis Air Force Base. And to be honest with you, I love the experience a few months later in 2007 was when I actually joined my Toastmaster club. But Jesse was a person who really stood out to me at this event, just his eloquence his commitment to this organization. He's one of the reasons why I decided to join and later on I joined and he and I became friends through the years we've done a lot of things together on in many aspects of life and Jesse Toastmasters you You are like the consummate Toastmaster, maybe you'd like to share your story with everyone about how you became a part of this wonderful organization.
Unknown Speaker 3:24
Well, I'll be more than happy to guy. Think about this. My Toastmasters started experience started at UNLV when I was a 19 year old Civil Engineering student many years ago. One point I gave a presentation, imagine me with high cat hair do and parents their waist and feeling all nervous and sweaty this and then those two minutes. I said lots of US arms, your nose. And so the founder of the engineering program at UNLV, Herb wells looked me up and down and said, that was an interest presentation. I think I have something that might help you out. And it was a speech craft session that they had at the engineering program at UNLV. And I figured I'd give it a try. And I'll try the first go around. I was hooked. And I've tried to two more sessions before I graduated from UNLV in 1999. And then three years after that, I decided that you know what, Toastmasters is a great experience. I miss it so much. I enjoy myself when I join a Toastmasters Club. And I actually joined my Toastmaster Club in 2002. As a member of Stairmasters Toastmasters, a member. I'm a still a member of this club for the past 22 years. And I've had many experiences within the journey of Toastmasters, whether it be in the leadership realm where I go to club area, division district and international levels, and Toastmasters has done more for my poor my public speaking skills. As a matter of fact, I got a love interest in Toastmaster who is now alive. So Toastmasters is a place where leaders are made great friends are introduced. And if you're lucky You'd be able to get a spouse in the same process.
Unknown Speaker 5:01
Yes, Jessie, you have really hit the jackpot in terms of what you've received with your membership in Toastmasters. The one thing that I'd like you to talk about a bit is that you are naturally an introverted person. And how has being a member of Toastmasters helped you to become more outgoing?
Unknown Speaker 5:23
Well, it helped me become more outgoing, but a chance of stepping outside my box in order to do public speaking and presentations. And the reason why I say this is yes, I confess, I am an introvert privately. When it comes to Andover, I'm using the shy the timid Tada, person, and Toastmasters gives me a vehicle to step out of that box. And when it comes to giving presentations at work, or tours around the office, or stepping up into leadership role, the more I step outside the box, the better I become with communication, and leadership. Another good example of this is actually stepping into leadership roles. My first leadership experience was being Secretary of the club. And I figured, okay, I've been a secretary at the Engineering Society at UNLV, I forgot to translate the secretary at the Toastmaster club. And then I decided to develop more skills by taking on roles of Vice President, education president, Area Director, Division Director, as a director, and up to international director. And all this has to be done because I choose to step outside my box. And there's a choice that one has to make, yes, you can stay in that area, your format in your environment. Or you can actually do your best ticket and step by step bit by bit. And you do not have to jump leaps and bounds No, sometimes, the greatest journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. And if you're able to do your steps and find your new cheese, and learning and sharing and growing, then you'll be better off in the long run.
Unknown Speaker 7:02
And how has this improved communication that you've gotten as a member of Toastmasters throughout all these years, Jesse affected your ability to lead people?
Unknown Speaker 7:12
Oh, my, as a matter of fact, that helped me at my day job where I'm an associate engineer for the Nevada Department of Transportation. And I tell you, being in that supervisory role, I'm able to actually effect li communicate with fellow technicians, as well as fellow people that are contractors, fellow engineers, or when it comes to talking about different projects and different plans. And in addition, I was able to rub shoulders with other people in the workplace that are in the government and private sector when I conduct business. And if I'm able to do that, within communications, I'm able to actually run more shoulders and establish stronger connections. And when it comes to my day job at the n d o t as an associate engineer, I was able to communicate with fellow technicians and fellow engineers and also get a chance to discuss and communicate more. And reason why I would do that is, is because I'm able to go ahead and just just just, the more I do it, the better off I am. And the better off it'll be. That's the best way I can definitely put my experience within Toastmasters, how it's relevant to the day job, how it's relevant to communicate community service. I'm a volunteer for the American Red Cross as well. And to open that door to actually reach out to different areas of the Las Vegas Valley and as well as the state of Utah. When it comes to go gone. We are proud of being a part of organizations and just helping out a different community such setbacks, I should say that I just I just say, but overall the how I feel about my experience with Toastmasters and how it benefits me in the long run.
Unknown Speaker 8:52
Yes, Jesse, I know you are a very, very active member of the community on a lot of levels. And I had the experience, you know, joining Toastmasters, I had very specific goals of what I wanted to do when I first joined, I really essentially wanted to become a professional speaker and go and make money in a speaking business. And once I got to Toastmasters, I saw how much more there was to offer just in terms of the practical use. The everyday use of improving your communication skills and your leadership skills has such a big impact on on my life. Would you like to share about that? I know you had talked about the fact that you found a mate in in Toastmasters, and maybe some of the improved communication skills that you got from being in Toastmasters listening, which is an underrated faculty might have helped you to acquire your future wife.
Unknown Speaker 9:50
Oh, definitely. As a matter of fact, my first public appearance happened to be on radio where I had a chance to meet a new Toastmaster who went by the name of Dana wall. And for Dana out there. Hi, honey, I'm about to tell the story, I will say is when we first got together, we had a seven minute spot on different radio show where I was an area governor at the time, and she was a new newly minted Toastmasters. And at the time, after the interview, I went and saw my car and I said, Wow, that is one woman I can really dig. And there are all sorts of apart for me is that my shyness, my introverted Ness. So they got the best of me. And it took me awesome effort and energy to actually step out and communicate with this lovely lady. And after having the date. Two years after that interview, I decided to build some courage to step forward, make that phone call and say, Dana, would you like to go out with me? I squinted, I got. And she said, Yes. And I can't believe it. She said, Yes. I was excited. I was happy. I was thought I was dancing. And I got to the phone. I said, Well, what do I do next? And after that, I said, good. Okay, let's go ahead and get the first date. And the rest was history. That bit of courage, that two years of courage of asking her out and communicating with her and who was also a fellow Toastmasters led into a for almost 14 years, actually, 14 years together as well as lovin was over 12 years of what a bliss. So overall, it also was asking also about courage, and I couldn't have done it without Toastmasters.
Unknown Speaker 11:37
And yes, and I got a chance to attend their wedding. It was quite an experience. It was conducted by Toastmasters, Toastmasters style wedding, it was really a unique experience, to state to say the least Jessie, maybe you'd like to share about what your wedding consisted of?
Unknown Speaker 11:56
Oh, my goodness. There were 250 people at the wedding at the place where it was known as 107. Convention Center. And we had about 2050 people at least 80 to 90% were Toastmasters. And we had a wonderful Toastmasters wedding. And people came from California, that also here in Las Vegas, and you also have some LFL out of towners there, it was a big event. And I was all in the nice suit. And Dana was in her lovely white wedding gown. And we exchanged vows. And next thing you know, I see the officiant giving me the vows. And before I said anything after I do before we see you and ask the first question. And I tell you, it was a fun event. We had some great Toastmasters and great friends. We had some great sing along we had a good potluck, which was which was pretty decent. And I just say what this is, this is one of the things that was well built and reverses when we got married on July 1 2012. And why July 1 is very important. That was not only the first day I became a district governor for Toastmasters. But that was also the day that my wife got a distinguished Toastmaster Award, the highest honor that any individual Toastmaster can get and one thing that she had to do was a high performance Leadership Project. And our high performance leadership project that she did was planning the wedding. And she was able to plan the wedding, get all the details down. And she when she when she got married, did a girl food distinguished Toastmaster award and in addition to that, they also had a great evaluator. And the evaluator this whole performance Leadership Project was having to be my mother in law slash her mother Phyllis wall for Phyllis out there. I'd say Hi, mother in law. Hope you hope you listen to this program. And that we also had a fun time and it was it was good and it benefited us both of us. And our honeymoon. For the for this wedding happened to be at the 2012 Toastmasters International Convention in beautiful Orlando, Florida. And what better way to celebrate a wedding and a honeymoon than a place where this new world is located in Epcot Center. And overall it was a fun event. It was very cool. As
Unknown Speaker 14:25
you all can tell, Jessie is all in on Toastmasters, a very committed member of our organization and and it really all starts at the club level, doesn't it? Jesse being a member of a club and you strike up these relationships. He had spoken about his wife, Dana wall Oakley, she and I have been friends through being in the same Toastmaster club for 17 years and you just develop the most incredible relationships being in Toastmasters just joining a club and connecting with your fellow Toastmasters. Every week you build bonds that last really a lifetime right Jesse?
Unknown Speaker 15:05
No doubt there's some cool people I met in Toastmasters, whether it's here in Las Vegas or in California or around the world. You just never know what doors you may open when you join a Toastmaster club. And if you want to check out Toastmasters, go to and click a button called find a club. Go to your nearest club near you and you'll be more than happy to open those doors and who knows you may get a friend, you may get a spouse or you may get a great adventure for for myself and my wife Dana, eventually in Toastmasters still continuing.
Unknown Speaker 15:39
For those of you who are just tuning in, you are listening to the business of giving podcast with Guy Dawson at K u and v 91.5. FM, jazz and more and I have been interviewing my good friend, Jesse Oakley, the third he is the international director for Toastmasters International region to the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce is hosting its quarterly mixer on Tuesday April 16. From 6pm to 8pm. At Joey's Tavern in North Las Vegas, the featured nonprofit is opportunity village. They are celebrating their 70th anniversary this year. Come and learn about opportunity village and network with giving professionals business owners and community leaders for more info cars marketing I've also been sharing with all of you about the first annual cause and business cruise. It is going to be held October the 19th through the 26th 2024 we are going to take a cruise the Hawaiian Islands it is an outstanding opportunity for you to network with giving professionals proceeds from the Bennett will go excuse me, proceeds from the sale of cabins for the cruise will benefit nonprofit organizations. We're going to do service work while we're in the Hawaiian Islands. One of our layovers while we're over there is going to be in Maui. And many of you know that that island was decimated back in the fall of 2023. Through fires. We are going to be doing some service work while we're on our layover while we're over there. It's just going to be a phenomenal opportunity for you to connect with giving professionals just have a great time because we're going to be in the Hawaiian Islands for a week for more info cars marketing My last announcement is the Small Business Resources AI challenge 2020 for a learning initiative in honor of National Small Business Week, April 28. Through May the fourth learn about Nevada's local, state and federal small business support programs and use them to achieve greater success in business for more info or or 702486 to 750 and I've been speaking with Jessie Oakley the third he is the international director for region two Toastmasters. Toastmasters has the largest speaking and leadership organization in the world and Utah talked before about your leadership journey, Jesse about being a district director and that's a an office that I also held in Toastmasters got so much out of that experience and for you, you've taken it to a higher level with even more leadership that you've committed and given as a member of Toastmasters. Will you share more about the offices that you've held in our organization?
Unknown Speaker 18:46
Oh, I'll be more than happy to serve in all of the cloths or roles from President Sergeant at Arms. I became an area Governor back they were called Eric gunners for two consecutive years, helping the community as an area governor, distinguish and select distinguished. In 2008 2009, I became a division governor, where we had an amazing team. And as my division year was President distinguished, and four out of the five areas. Under this division were present distinguished with the fifth one being select distinguished. And I've also became a district 33 Winner back when our district was Southern Nevada, Central California and Ventura County. And then after that, got to go in a very interesting leadership role within Toastmasters, where my wife and I were co chairs of the 2015 Toastmasters International Convention, which was at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. And then a year after that, I wanted to step into the role of region advisor and I became a regional advisor for 2016 2017 For region two, which at the time covered Nevada, California, Oregon and Hawaii. And then after I became a regional advisor, I also did some Toastmasters work with a service in community. And finally got a chance to do the role I'm doing right now as international director where I work with fellow board members from all over the world, as well as will headquarter staff. And right now, the leadership journey has been amazing from the Talos area governor to Tulum, international director. And guess what, the journey still continues as I go into the next role in our next next journey.
Unknown Speaker 20:29
Yes, it has been a real honor to serve with you as a leader throughout these years, Jesse, and it really specifically to have been a part of the campaign team that helped you to get elected to the role of international director, which is no easy feat. What do you think was the key to your success or has been the key to your success as you've continued to move up in these leadership roles within Toastmasters?
Unknown Speaker 20:55
The key to my success is the person that I see in the mirror, that's the greatest competition, you always want to find ways to outdo that person that you do see in the mirror. Yes, whenever I see that person, a mirror, I see a good looking individual, I see an amazing person. But I also asked that person in the mirror, is there anything that you could do better? is are there any steps that you can take care of other any steps that you can just go by leaps and bounds and be better than you were before? And if I'm able to ask that question and answer that question myself on know what to do, then I'll do my best to go ahead and get step ahead. Be in order of a game of chess be three moves ahead of the opponent. And if I'm able to do that, and be better myself, then I know that if I'm able to conquer myself, the rest is the rest is pure strawberries, man. And if I'm able to actually accomplish and just take care of that one person, that biggest competitor that I do see in the mirror, I know that score a victory, right? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 22:01
that is a really a great perspective that you have on growth in becoming a greater leader, Jessie, in terms of it being more about you internally growing and becoming a larger person, not so much is I know, You've competed against people when you were running for offices, but it really isn't about the other person. It's really about the continued pursuit of, of growth, the pursuit of excellence. And I'm sure that with each of these roles that you take on, you're sort of expanding your, your capabilities, right, because each one of these jobs has a different skill sets. Some of them, you may be very familiar with others you've perhaps not done before. But that commitment to excellence to growth in and continuing to be more than you are, I have seen that as something that you have been very committed to. And I've really admired that.
Unknown Speaker 23:02
I really appreciate that. And it also brings up wise words of wisdom, to the point where I was breaking out my own barriers. And this word, these words have stuck with me since I was barrier breaking moments. And the following words are, if you don't grow, you decay. And if you gotta find ways to grow, and find ways to be better, if you don't find ways to be better, that's when the slides start to happen. He's got to fall into the K. Some people think that there is some things that stability, while I'm here to say this, there is no type of stability, either you have worked your way up and keep growing over and over again. And if you the moment you stop growing, is the moment that you start to cane. So it's always best to keep growing, whether it's mentally, physically or spiritually, it's best to grow.
Unknown Speaker 23:47
Well said, Jesse, and I know you are an avid reader, and I, I know that along your journey, that you have really gotten into leadership oriented books. And you I know you've told me that that's been a big aspect of your continued growth. Are there specific books that you would recommend to people that can help you be a more effective leader?
Unknown Speaker 24:09
Oh, definitely. The first book I strongly recommend is tribal leadership by King Logan and Fisher right. It gives you the different levels of leadership from a life things category to the life is great category, and specifically use good examples on the different forms of leadership and it shows you that no one person can do it all by him or herself. It takes a team focus on a goal to go beyond that goal. Trouble leadership is one book I'd strongly recommend. Another book I recommend is Brian Tracy is Eat That Frog. And Brian Tracy Eat That Frog. It can help you overcome procrastination and also realize what was vital and what's important to what you need to do what you need to get done. And in addition to that, I love John Maxwell. I love all his books. And another author that love to love to read is Grant Cardone Grant Cardone has the 10x rule, which is a good book to read and be obsessed or be average. That's also a fantastic read. If you want to go for success, you have to be obsessed with success, you have to go forth you have to go not only 100% or 250% That's right, I said it 250% At least in order to be obsessed with reaching your goals and accomplishing what you need to do. And in addition to that, I also love the Tony Robbins books and also love of the love just just anything that could help me out and another one I like to recommend is Jocko willing, Extreme Ownership. And Jocko willings Extreme Ownership is all about accountability. And if you had accountability that's there, then you'd be able to own what you can and basically be in control of what you can't be with being within your life. So those are the types of books that I like to read and read from these books. I learned a great deal from these wonderful, amazing masters.
Unknown Speaker 26:01
Leaders are readers is a phrase that you hear a lot and some of the books that Jesse just described can be so helpful if you are aspiring to take on greater leadership roles and I greatly appreciated the opportunity to speak with you today my good friend Jessie Oakley, the third international director for region two Toastmasters. If people would like to learn more about what we do at Toastmasters International, where could they go?
Unknown Speaker 26:29
Go to o RG that's Toastmasters to a s t m a s t r s dot o RG. Click the Find a club button and just go to the nearest club near you and you will be welcomed with some amazing happy people.
Unknown Speaker 26:46
And you never know who you might run into. Jessie attends a lot of meetings so you might get a chance to meet an international director or if you come to cause masters Toastmasters. We meet the first and third Friday of the month at 8am. At Ed works in Summerlin, we also meet online if you go to you can get information about our club which is tied to the cause marketing Chamber of Commerce. It's a platform to help our members and people who work with us to improve their communication and leadership skills. Thank you again, Jesse for stopping by and I greatly appreciate your service and commitment within our organization. Thank
Unknown Speaker 27:24
you very much guys for having me here. And if you want a great investment, check out Toastmasters and join Toastmasters. You will not be disappointed.
Unknown Speaker 27:32
No you will not. And oh, I will always want to remind you all that you can listen to the business of giving podcast on Spotify, Apple podcast, Amazon music and more platforms to listen to our podcast, the business of giving transistor dot F m we would greatly appreciate a positive review of our show. And I invite you to follow us on our social media platforms and you can listen to the business of giving podcast every Sunday at 7:30am et que un V 91.5 FM and as I asked you after every one of these podcasts and encourage you to give into business 14 See you next time.
Unknown Speaker 28:37
weight of the world on my shoulder. As I'm getting older your people gets older. Most of us only care about money.
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